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vaccines to the poorest people and countries. new coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. In his GatesNotes blog, he
Gates’ reputation as an “altruistic” philan- boasts about compressing vaccine trial timelines and writes that financ-
thropist deserves close scrutiny, and his founda- ing is not an issue.
tion’s funding patterns raise questions about the The pharma and biotech companies that Gates and others are financ-
long-term influence of billionaire philanthropy ing are mobilizing a wide variety of vaccine technologies and processes
on American science and politics. Although to create Covid-19 vaccines, including live attenuated viral vaccines;
Gates has given away tens of billions of dollars, inactivated, non-replicating viral vectors; replicating viral vectors;
his assets continue to grow. In the last five years, recombinant proteins; peptide-based, virus-like particles; and other
the foundation’s endowment generated more unknown technology platforms. However, Gates is particularly excited
income than it gave away. BMGF also awards by two experimental approaches: messenger RNA (mRNA) and DNA
millions of dollars in grants to companies in vaccines. No vaccine using these unproven nucleic acid techniques has
which it holds stocks or bonds, including phar- ever proceeded to licensure.
maceutical giants like Merck, Sanofi, Eli Lilly Traditional vaccines use a weakened or killed antigen to stimulate
and Pfizer. As a report in The Nation recently the production of antibodies in the recipient, based on the assumption that
observed, “A foundation giving a charitable the antibodies will protect against subsequent infection, but the premise
grant to a company that it partly owns—and of mRNA vaccines is entirely different. Rather than inject a pathogen’s
stands to benefit from financially—would seem antigen into our bodies, an mRNA vaccine would give our bodies the
like an obvious conflict of interest.” 65 genetic code (RNA fragments) needed to produce the antigen itself, in
essence turning us into vaccine factories. Once incorporated into our
GENETICALLY ENGINEERING HUMANS DNA, these fragments would literally rewrite our genetic code—with
Currently, Gates’ lavishly funded mission entirely unknown consequences. DNA vaccines are similar, containing
is to vaccinate over seven billion people with a DNA that codes for specific proteins (antigens) from a pathogen. Earlier
Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates both have dismal track records regarding vaccination. Fauci, who has spent decades
at the helm of NIAID, has proven skillful at amassing billions in taxpayer-appropriated funding for vaccines, but the
vaccines either never materialize or prove to be ineffective or unsafe. Fauci has never produced a single FDA-licensed
vaccine. In 2009, Fauci assured the public that adverse reactions for H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines were “very, very, very
rare.” Shortly after, as summarized by Children’s Health Defense, various swine flu vaccines were seen to cause spikes
in miscarriage in the U.S., adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and febrile convulsions in Australia. On February 27,
2019, Fauci perjured himself during a public hearing before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
Oversight and Investigations, claiming that vaccines do not cause brain inflammation and repeating one of his favorite
lines (that “risks from vaccines are almost nonmeasurable”).
When it comes to Bill Gates, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, has outlined a lengthy
series of unethical activities for which Gates and BMGF are responsible in India and Africa. In India, for example,
doctors have blamed a Gates-sponsored polio vaccine campaign for a devastating epidemic of “non-polio acute flac-
cid paralysis” that paralyzed nearly half a million children “beyond expected rates” from 2000 to 2017. In 2009, the
Gates Foundation also funded trials of an experimental human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, administered to twenty-
three thousand young girls in remote Indian provinces. Seven girls died and 5 percent (approximately twelve hundred)
suffered autoimmune conditions, fertility disorders or other severe adverse reactions. Ethical violations committed
by the Gates-funded researchers—investigated by the Indian government and now in the hands of India’s Supreme
Court—included forging consent forms and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The same modus operandi has
been apparent in Africa. In 2002, for example, after a Gates-supported campaign forcibly administered a meningitis
vaccine, 8 percent (40/500) of the vaccinated children were left paralyzed. In 2010, when Gates funded a Phase 3
trial of an experimental malaria vaccine, the vaccine seriously injured nearly one in five African children (1,048/5,949)
and killed one hundred fifty-one.
It is important to note that the Gates-funded World Health Organization has an equally poor track record. In 2014,
for example, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association condemned the WHO for sterilizing millions of Kenyan women
without their knowledge, independently confirming the presence of a sterilizing agent in the WHO’s tetanus vaccines.
The WHO initially denied and then later admitted to developing sterility vaccines. In 2017, a compelling study showed
that WHO’s DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine was killing more African children than the diseases the vaccine
was supposed to prevent, but there has been no vaccine recall. Also in 2017, the WHO admitted that surging polio
cases worldwide were predominantly due to vaccine-strain polio.
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