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including travel, work and school. Such individuals might also be denied government” to deal with the coronavirus and
health insurance and participation in government programs like Social related financial crisis. Around the same time,
Security. Germany has already implemented “immunity certificates,” the United Nations’ Secretary-General, António
and the UK and Italy are considering similar measures. Guterres, suggested marshalling 10 percent of
the entire planet’s gross domestic product to
THINKING CRITICALLY AND TAKING A STAND fund the coronavirus response. Covid-19 has
For anyone who is thinking critically about our current situation, also provided the impetus to scale up the war on
it is not hard to see that powerful individuals have purposely generated cash. On March 2, the WHO suggested that dirty
coronavirus fears to implement greater control over all aspects of people’s banknotes could be spreading the coronavirus.
lives. Nor is it difficult to grasp how technologies such as experimental A few weeks later, U.S. House Democrats called
vaccines, 5G and digital certificates will harm current and future gen- for the creation of a “digital dollar” to support
erations, permit global tracking and enable totalitarianism. Individuals, the massive stimulus package and “save” the
including Gates, have been calling for a technocratic “new world order” economy from the coronavirus pandemic, a
for years—and if we do not rise up, we may get it. signal—according to Forbes—that “the U.S.
There are many signs pointing in this direction. In late March, For- is serious in establishing infrastructure for a
mer British Prime Minster Gordon Brown called for a “temporary global central bank digital currency.” 85
When most of us sign the form or statement regarding our health clinic or hospital’s “Notice of Privacy Practices”
(NPP), we believe we are signing something that ensures our medical records cannot be shared without our permission.
In reality, the form and statement regarding the NPP is only an acknowledgement that a person has read the form, and
therefore that they understand that they have no privacy rights and that their information can be broadly shared without
Rather than safeguarding your medical information, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA) eliminates longstanding legal, written, informed patient-consent requirements for the sharing of private medical
data. This potentially opens your medical records to over two million entities, plus local, state and federal government
State Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) have been created to share your medical records statewide and in the
National Health Information Network (NHIN), now called eHealth Exchange. These data can be shared for “payment,
treatment and health care operations” as well as for research, government oversight, public health surveillance, law
enforcement, organ procurement, national security and much more—all without patient consent.
HIPAA allows for government agencies, corporate health plans and Obamacare “Accountable Care Organizations” or
ACOs (hospitals with employed or contracted physicians) to more easily tie the hands of physicians through data mining,
tracking of treatment decisions and financial penalties for physicians who choose to provide individualized care instead
of following standardized, one-size-fits-all insurer and government treatment and rationing protocols.
It is important to know that you are not required by law to sign HIPAA “privacy” forms or NPP acknowledgement
statements. Contrary to popular belief, all your signature does is confirm that you understand that you do not have any
privacy and that your data will be widely shared. If you sign, the form could be used against you if you ever declare that
your privacy rights have been violated.
Although refusing to sign does not prevent the sharing of your private medical information, you may wish to refuse
to participate in perpetuating the deception that the HIPAA form or NPP statement protects your privacy. While you are
at it, you might just educate the clinic or hospital staff on the truth about HIPAA and your right not to sign.
The law requires your doctor, hospital or other health care provider to ask for written proof that you received their
NPP—or what they might call an “acknowledgement of receipt”—but the law does not require you to sign the acknowl-
edgement form. If you choose not to sign, your provider must keep a record that they did not get your signature, but
they still have to treat you. Some clinics are now incorporating their NPP within their consent for treatment forms. You
may choose to cross out the lines related to the NPP.
In short, Americans need to know the truth about the so-called “HIPAA Privacy Rule.” HIPAA is a disclosure rule, not
a privacy rule. And the NPP is a notice of disclosure practices, rather than a notice of privacy practices. To help end the
deception, you can ask your members of Congress to repeal HIPAA and to defund state health information exchanges.
For more information or to get involved, join the “Refuse to Sign HIPAA” campaign sponsored by Citizens’ Council for
Health Freedom at
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