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Compulsory medicine, quarantines and tracking are a threat to our (54 percent) of American children suffer from
basic human rights and democracy. Outside the U.S., we have seen China one or more chronic illnesses. In the first six
forcibly remove citizens from their homes and place them in quarantine months of 2020 (January 1 through June 23)
camps. In India and the Philippines, governments have warned that there were 6,201,620 communicable disease
those defying the coronavirus lockdown orders may be shot, while India deaths worldwide, and only 475,784 Covid-19
has also sprayed migrant workers with bleach. Several countries have deaths. With numbers like these, we must ask
used humiliation and public shaming tactics such as locking people in dog why we have shut down the entire globe.
cages and threatening them with tasers. Around the globe, there are also We cannot be so afraid of a virus that we
efforts to squelch protests. Within the U.S., California has used drones to allow our government to deny us access to the
force residents inside, Austin, Texas threatened up to six months in jail hospitals where our spouses are giving birth,
for anyone breaking quarantine and Hawaii handed out five-thousand- or deny us the right to hold funerals for loved
dollar fines for those who simply wanted to lie on the beach. ones. Let’s also say “no” to social distancing
Tracking efforts—both low- and high-tech—are being deployed for healthy people because it prevents herd im-
in numerous countries. In parts of China, for example, citizens must munity and wrecks the human experience. Let’s
display colored codes on their smartphones indicating their contagion stop seeing each other as a threat. It is time to
risk. Media reports indicate that the U.S. government “is in active talks demand that businesses be free to make their
with Facebook, Google and a wide array of tech companies and health own choices about openings or closures and that
experts about how they can use location data gleaned from Americans’ people be free to come and go without “contact
phones to combat coronavirus.” In addition, our government is spending tracing” or stay-at-home orders.
billions of dollars to hire an “army” of well-paid “contact tracers”—as Time is of the essence. The damage to well-
many as three hundred thousand according to the former head of the being and wealth has already been enormous,
CDC—to identify and quarantine “potential coronavirus carriers.” The and we cannot let this go on any longer. We
chief medical officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health must protect ourselves by educating our elected
Officials has stated, “There are a lot of people in the U.S. right now who officials and other people in positions of influ-
are out of work; we could probably hire those people into public health ence, while pressuring them to be accountable.
departments and that’s how we would build out the workforce we need.” 95 We must take to the streets and demand that our
Forced vaccination is also on the horizon. Denmark’s parliament Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and
unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law that gives health Constitution not be quarantined. Virus or no
authorities the power to forcibly vaccinate people with police backing. virus, the government does not have the right to
The UK is considering mandating vaccines and taking things further deprive any American of the right to earn a liv-
with talk of criminalizing mere criticism of vaccines. Nor can we afford ing or to prohibit law-abiding citizens’ freedom
to be complacent in the U.S., where we have already seen evidence of a of movement. Nearly every state has a health
coming push to mandate adult vaccinations—all vaccinations—in HHS’s freedom organization. I recommend you contact
Healthy People 2020 initiative and National Adult Immunization Plan. the one in your state and get involved—before
In May, President Trump announced he is mobilizing the U.S. military it is too late.
to “deliver” the eventual coronavirus vaccine. 98
Given the well-documented harm caused to human health by the Kendall Nelson is a documentary filmmaker
practice of drug-oriented allopathic medicine, including vaccination, actively engaged in directing, producing and
it is clear that vaccine mandates must not be allowed to move forward. distributing media that matter. With over twenty
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over years of television and film experience, Nelson’s
four billion dollars to Americans injured or killed by vaccines. There lifelong commitment is to bring about aware-
are also approximately two million adverse reactions to prescribed drugs ness through her work, including advocating
every year, along with almost eight hundred thousand deaths related to health freedom, simple living and real food. She
prescriptions, treatments and interventions, surpassing annual deaths is a proud Idaho chapter board member of the
from cardiovascular disease and cancer. International Women’s Forum.
Above all else, bodily sovereignty and privacy must be protected,
and we must each take responsibility for our own health. Together, we
can rise up and say “no” to compulsory vaccination of every kind—es- REFERENCES
Ferguson NM, Laydon D, Nedjati-Gilani G et al.
pecially on behalf of our overvaccinated children who are already subject Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to
to sixty-nine doses of sixteen different CDC-recommended vaccines. reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand.
Imperial College London (16-03-2020), doi:https://doi.
This heavy vaccine load surely contributes to the fact that over half org/10.25561/77482.
92 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020