Page 89 - Summer2020final
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We have a symbiotic relationship with viruses Our Current Health Crisis.”] We already know that a multitude of toxic
and bacteria, which are the building blocks of exposures has been poisoning us, including air pollution, fluoride in our
our immune system. Few people realize that the water, glyphosate in our food chain and water table and aluminum in
human virome—the total collection of viruses vaccines and in the air via geoengineering aerosols. But could there be
in and on the human body—is about ten times another, relatively new phenomenon that is making people ill?
greater than the better understood, forty trillion
bacteria in the human microbiome. RADIATION POISONING?
In 2018, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
OXYGEN DEFICIENCY selected Wuhan as a pilot city for the “Made in China 2025” plan. The
Around the world, doctors have been up- launch of 5G wireless communications with approximately ten thousand
loading videos to YouTube (many of them now antennas in the new “smart city” culminated with the 2019 Military World
censored) stating that Covid-19 illness does not Games (“Wuhan 2019”), which took place just weeks prior to the recog-
resemble anything they have seen before and nition of what was at first called the “Wuhan flu.” Soon after, northern
that its symptoms are atypical for a standard Italy—also a hot spot for 5G—reported a similar illness. This correlation
respiratory virus. These include rash, kidney is apparent not only in Wuhan and northern Italy, but also in other areas
failure, thrombotic blockage in the arteries and where 5G has recently been launched—including South Korea, Iran,
veins and Kawasaki-like illness in children. Ecuador and New York City. This technology now features on modern
One doctor whose self-filmed video circu- cruise ships and in health care facilities, which have experienced high
lated widely, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, claimed numbers of “Covid-19” cases. 44
that the illness he was witnessing was more akin Thousands of studies have demonstrated the harmful effects of ra-
to high-altitude sickness than a viral respiratory diofrequency radiation (RFR), including “increased cancer risk, cellular
disease. Many Covid-19 patients with severe stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and
breathing difficulties do not have typical symp- functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory defi-
toms of lung infection such as inflamed and cits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in
restricted airways or mucus accumulation. humans.” With its deployment of hundreds of thousands of new 4G and
Instead, patients are displaying symptoms that 5G antennas, 5G infrastructure promises to vastly increase the popula-
appear to correlate with an oxygen deficiency tion’s RFR exposure, with the potential to trigger synergistic effects and
in the blood. According to Dr. Kyle-Sidell, produce substantially greater harm. Although these dangers have been
placing patients on ventilators may be causing well publicized, including the special risks for children, Governor Gavin
great harm. Confirming his observations, a re- Newsom of California announced on March 19 his intention to expand
cent analysis of over two thousand six hundred the deployment of 5G and other wireless infrastructure in schools during
hospitalized Covid-19 patients in New York the Covid-19 quarantine.
found that most patients on ventilators died 5G utilizes 60 gigahertz (GHz) as its main transmission frequency,
(88 percent), whereas the overall death rate a frequency highly absorbed by oxygen. To put this in perspective, 60
for all hospitalized Covid-19 patients was 21 GHz is equivalent to 60 thousand megahertz, while our cell phones put
percent. Another doctor (also a U.S. senator) out 500-900 megahertz. As Sally Fallon Morell has pointed out, 60 GHz
has pointed out that financially failing hospitals causes “the O2 molecule to split apart, making it useless for respiration.”
have a strong financial incentive to put patients Is it just a coincidence that breathing difficulties are one of the primary
on ventilators. For patients on Medicare, a symptoms of Covid-19?
hospital gets paid thirteen thousand dollars for Another mysterious symptom described by some Covid-19 patients
admission of a Covid-19 patient but three times provides a further clue as to how 5G might be contributing to Covid-19
more—thirty-nine thousand dollars—if the illness. Patients are describing a feeling of “fizzing” throughout their
patient goes on a ventilator. bodies, “buzzing” sensations and burning skin or an “electric feeling
Dr. Thomas Cowan, author and a founding on the skin,” all of which have been reported in connection with 5G
board member of the Weston A. Price Founda- technology used for crowd control. 49
tion, is inclined to believe that something in our
environment is creating a toxic assault the world FAST-TRACKING UNSAFE VACCINES
over. No one knows for sure, but he and many The race is on to create a fast-tracked Covid-19 vaccine despite the
others postulate that we are being poisoned. [See fact that previous attempts to produce coronavirus vaccines have been
page 41 for Cowan’s article, “Understanding abject failures. Two decades of research into SARS and one decade of
SUMMER 2020 Wise Traditions 87