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graded his prediction to a possible one to two hundred thousand U.S.  of people who allegedly have died from Co-
         deaths.  On March 26, Fauci published an editorial in the New England  vid-19 have had these and other chronic health
         Journal of Medicine (coauthored with another senior NIAID official and  conditions, including diabetes, hypertension
         the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) titled:  and lung disorders.
         “Covid-19—Navigating the Uncharted,” in which the three officials ex-  In Italy, according to a study by the coun-
         plained that the previously estimated case fatality rate of approximately  try’s national health authority, more than 99
         2 percent was likely incorrect.  Considering all of the asymptomatic or  percent of all coronavirus fatalities were in
         mild cases of Covid-19, they wrote that the true case fatality rate might  people who suffered from previous medical
         be as low as 0.1 percent (one in one thousand) and suggested that “the  conditions.  Another contextual factor that
         overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 [might] ultimately be more akin  one must consider is that Italy administered a
         to those of a severe seasonal influenza.” In comparison, they noted that  new form of influenza vaccine to elderly Ital-
         earlier coronavirus outbreaks—of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome  ians for the 2018/2019 season that contained
         (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)—had pro-  four different strains of influenza, including
         duced case fatality rates of 9 to 10 percent and 36 percent, respectively.   the highly pathogenic H1N1 “swine flu.”  Ac-
            When, on April 6, Fauci then announced that the U.S. death toll  cording to the U.S. National Vaccine Injury
         “looks more like 60,000,”  it started to become apparent that Fauci and  Compensation Program, influenza vaccines
         other health experts were essentially pulling numbers out of their hats.  cause more injuries and deaths than all other
         It is likely that many millions of uncounted people across the globe have  vaccines combined.
         been infected without incident, and that is good news. It means that Co-
         vid-19 is not nearly as deadly as officials and official data are suggesting.   FUNNY BUSINESS WITH TESTING
                                                                           Testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus has also
         FUNNY BUSINESS WITH DEATH CERTIFICATES                         been wrought with persistent problems. Despite
            Adding to the numbers debacle, the National Center for Health Sta-  billions of dollars of congressional appropria-
         tistics (NCHS), a division of the CDC, has directed doctors and coroners  tions every year to Federal agencies for public
         to count suspected Covid-19 deaths as confirmed on death certificates. 8   health emergency preparedness, the U.S. did not
         No testing or other proof beyond suspicion is required before marking  quickly dispense testing kits. The CDC’s parent
         Covid-19 on a death certificate. The WHO followed suit, posting similar  agency—the Department of Health and Human
         guidelines about counting “probable” or “presumed” cases of Covid-19  Services (HHS)—failed miserably. Later, the
         as the confirmed cause of death.  Consequently, it is likely that many  CDC violated its own manufacturing standards,
         influenza and other respiratory deaths are now mistakenly or intention-  which led to contamination of the country’s first
         ally counted as Covid-19 deaths.                               coronavirus tests, rendering them ineffective.
            It is important to understand that just because someone dies with   The two most common testing methods are
         coronavirus does not mean they died from coronavirus. For example,  reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
         people who are already dying of serious conditions like chronic ob-  (RT-PCR) and antibody tests. The RT-PCR test
         structive pulmonary disease or heart disease—who test positive for the  was never meant for diagnosing disease and
         SARS-CoV-2 virus—are now counted as Covid-19 deaths. The majority  produces a significant number of false posi-

                                          PREVENTING AND TREATING COVID-19
              If you want to stay healthy, follow the Wise Traditions diet recommended by the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)
          and WAPF president, Sally Fallon Morell.  This diet supports natural immunity. It avoids sugar, additives and processed
          foods. Instead it encompasses cholesterol-rich nourishment like egg yolks, butter and cream. It also includes fermented
          foods (such as sauerkraut), vitamin C from fresh fruit and vegetables, zinc-rich foods (such as red meat, oysters and raw
          milk) and the natural (not synthetic) vitamin A and D found in high-quality cod liver oil. These are the things that protect
          against disease—along with a pollutant-free environment, adequate sleep, exercise and stress reduction.
              For those who develop Covid-19, a number of doctors have restored their patients’ health naturally with vitamins,
          minerals and herbs. Intravenous vitamin C has been a particularly effective treatment.  Others have prevented or
          reduced the symptoms of Covid-19 with homeopathic, naturopathic and chiropractic medicine. India’s Prime Minister
          Modi, for example, recommended that his people use homeopathy prophylactically—and as of May 11, 2020, India
          had only two-thousand-plus Covid-19 deaths (2,249) in a nation of 1.3 billion (with roughly sixty-nine thousand cases
          reported). On this same date, meanwhile, the U.S. was reporting thirty-six times as many deaths (80,863) and almost
          1.4 million cases. 117
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