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Legislative Updates

                                               FEDERAL POLICY UPDATE
                                                 By Judith McGeary, Esq.

            AGRIBUSINESS ADMITS THAT THE              foot and mouth disease (FMD) case diagnosed
            FOOD SYSTEM IS BROKEN. . .                in the United States.
            BUT NOT WHY                                  To  explain  the  background:  FMD  is  a
                In late April, Tyson Foods took out full-  disease that affects cloven-hooved ruminants
            page advertisements in The Washington Post  (cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, etc.). It is not trans-
            and  The New York Times warning that the  missible to humans. But because it is said to
            country’s food supply chain is “breaking” amid  be highly contagious and can severely affect
            continued lockdowns aimed at slowing down the  livestock production, any country that has a
            coronavirus pandemic.                     diagnosed case faces extreme export restric-
                The advertisement consisted of a letter from  tions—which in turn damages the profits of
            John Tyson, chairman of the board. He warned  the large companies that export livestock and
            that consumers would face shortages at the  meat. Governments have thus often adopted
            grocery stores, while “farmers across the na-  draconian policies to stop its spread and try to
            tion simply will not have anywhere to sell their  eradicate the disease. One of the first tools is a
            livestock to be processed, when they could have  “stop movement order,” which would halt all
            fed the nation.                           transportation of livestock in the country, and
                “Millions of animals—chickens, pigs and  which was the topic of this conference.
            cattle—will be depopulated because of the clo-     The speaker for the swine industry had pre-
            sure of our processing facilities,” Tyson wrote.  pared an extensive presentation, which included
            “The food supply chain is breaking.”      the following claim: If a stop-movement order
                All of which is true, but misleading. A more  is put in place, within a few days there will be
            accurate assessment is that the system is func-  millions of dead and dying hogs in this country.
            tioning exactly as it was designed to by Tyson  I was baffled at these words. We were discuss-
            and the other mega-corporations that effectively  ing a hypothetical scenario in which there was   Judith McGeary
                                                                                                is the Austin, Texas,
            control the market through an oligopoly system.  only a single confirmed case of foot and mouth   chapter leader, an
            (This articles goes to print just after executives  disease in this country, and the government   attorney and
            from two other major poultry companies were  stopped animal movements to prevent its spread.   small farmer, and the
            indicted for price fixing.)               Was he discussing what would happen if FMD   executive director of
                                                                                                the Farm and Ranch
                What has happened with our food supply,  had spread to the major hog-raising facilities?  Freedom Alliance.
            in particular our meat supply, during the Co-  As he continued speaking, it became clear that   She has a B.S. in
            vid-19 pandemic was not only predictable, but  he wasn’t saying that the animals would die from   biology from
            predicted. These predictions came not only from  FMD. He was explaining that the animals live   Stanford University
                                                                                                and a J.D. from the
            small-farm advocates like myself, but from the  under crowded conditions and have been bred,   University of Texas
            large industry players themselves.        fed and drugged so as to maximize their weight   at Austin. She and
                Almost ten years ago, I attended a two-day  gain, that if they could not be moved out of the   her husband
            conference hosted by the USDA that brought  facilities at exactly the right time, the over-  run a small
                                                                                                grass-based farm
            together federal animal health officials, state  crowding and physiological stress would start   with sheep, cattle,
            animal health officials and major industry orga-  killing them. (He didn’t use those exact words,   horses and poultry.
            nizations; I was able to attend because of my role  of course, but he was very clear about the issues.)  For more
            on the USDA Advisory Committee on Animal     When we started breakout group discus-  information, go to
            Health. The topic of the event was how to deal  sions, I raised what I thought was the obvious or
            with “stop movement orders” if there were a  question: If the system is so fragile, shouldn’t   call (254) 697-2661.

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