Page 17 - Winter2010
P. 17

It’s important for us to understand where  meat and ate the algae. Truth be told, you have
                they’re coming from in a mutually respectful  to eat ten pounds of golden rice in order to get
                way. I admit that from my perspective as a Chris-  the same amount of carotenes that you would get
                tian libertarian environmentalist capitalist luna-  out of one serving of a vibrant green bokchoy or
                tic, it’s actually hard for me to understand how  arugula.
                these people can go down to the Presbyterian or     So non-toxic, small-scale agriculture can’t
                the Lutheran church, sit in the pew and take the  feed the world? Let me paint a picture for you.
                sacraments all the while dumping toxic chemi-  In the early 1800s, a famous Austrian chemist
                cals on God’s earth. How can they sit there and  named Justus von Liebig began doing vacuum
                not wrestle with the moral question of whether  tube isolations to find out what things are made
                it matters that we encourage the pigness of the  of. In 1837 he introduced his findings to the world
                pig? The great questions of life, they don’t even  when he declared that everything in life—people,
                wrestle with. How did this happen?        plants, animals, everything—is just a rearrange-
                    And so in my years of going to hearings  ment of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous.
                and rubbing shoulders with people, including  N-P-K—that’s all we’re made of. That notion
                my own neighbors, who think I’m a bio terrorist,  gradually developed into what we know today
                I’ve come to appreciate the essence of what they  as chemical agriculture.
                think.                                        Now fast forward to about 1900 and we have
                    I’ve made a list of twelve assumptions that  a great panic in the world because Laura Ingalls
                we need to understand if we are going to ap-  Wilder finished going West, and there was no
                preciate how they think and if we are going to  more West. Australia and the United States had
                formulate an appropriate response—because it’s  both run out of virgin prairie for Europeans to
                important for us in our daily life with friends, at  exploit, and so there was a worldwide panic about
                the Little League game, at the elders’ meeting,  how we are going to feed the world. With the
                at public gatherings, to be able to stand toe to toe  Dust Bowl and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of
                and articulate our position in the politics of food.  Wrath, everyone was asking how we were going
                                                          to maintain soil fertility. This question absolutely
                ONE: YOUR SYSTEM                          occupied the world’s mind between the years of
                CAN’T FEED THE WORLD                      1900 and 1930. This coincided with the height
                    This is the number one assumption from the  of the industrial revolution, so it was easy to
                greater culture out there: your system can’t feed  embrace an industrial solution to the problem of
                the world. If our system can’t feed the world, then  declining soil fertility—just apply N-P-K fertil-
                we’re all just living in a pipe dream. How can  izer, that’s all we had to do.
                we take a moral road advocating a system that     In contrast to Justus von Liebig’s mechanical
                can’t feed the world? People tell me that because  view of life, others proposed the radical idea that
                I advocate a non-toxic agricultural system, I must  food, farming and biology are fundamentally
                want people to starve.                    non-mechanical systems. If the wheel bearing
                    One day I sat down at a banquet in Wash-  goes bad in your car, you can’t just leave the car
                ington state, and the guy next to me sits down  parked on the side of the road, let it rest and come   People tell
                and just looks at me and says: “Why do you want  back ten years later to find that the bearings have   me that
                half a million Orientals to be blind?” Turns out  healed. The difference with, and the beauty of,
                he was a great advocate of genetically engineered  biological systems is that they are dynamic, they  because I
                “golden rice” to provide vitamin A to Asians, be-  can heal, and aren’t we glad for that? A number   advocate a
                cause otherwise they would go blind. Of course  of thinkers at the time, such as Aldo Leopold,   non-toxic
                the reason lots of Asians are short of vitamin A is  John Muir, and John James Audubon, recognized
                because they are using chemicals from the West  a biological mystique embedded in the physical  agricultural
                that have nuked all the bokchoy and arugula and  world. They noted that we differentiate between   system, I must
                Chinese cabbage that were native around the rice  mechanisms and biology. And so we have these   want people
                paddies, along with the tilapia that ate the snails  two radically different schools of thought, each
                and along with the ducks that laid eggs and made  pursuing a separate line of research.  to starve.

                WINTER 2010                                Wise Traditions                                           17

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