Page 13 - Winter2010
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

                 instead of food-like substitutes. Even more alarming to the   in the league—fourteen in all, including Portis. By contrast,
                 likes of Dr. Betteridge is the refusal of many to remain on the   the Philadelphia Eagles, whose trainers recommend a more
                 drugs. Betteridge complains that he has seen many patients   caveman-like diet and pickle juice during practice, have one
                 “in whom statins have been stopped inappropriately, either   of the lowest injury rates in the league.
                 by the patient or by their doctors. Patients in particular are
                 bombarded with information about the potential dangers of   NO BUTTER OR CREAM IN RESTAURANTS EITHER
                 statins.” When patients complain, “you have to reassure [them]   Just because you’re not an athlete or a child doesn’t mean
                 that the side effects are most unlikely due to the drug, or you   that you’re not a target of the food police. First Lady Michelle
                 have to look for other causes and counsel them that this is   Obama is prodding restaurants to remove butter and cream
                 a very important drug for them to take” (  from their dishes, use lowfat milk and provide apple slices or
                 article/ Dr. Betteridge has received honoraria and   carrots as a default side dish on the kids’ menu (
                 research funding from AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb,   com, September 13, 2010). Nothing wrong with the apple
                 Know, Merck Sharp & Dohme and Pfizer.                slices or carrots, but in this case the vegetables are serving
                                                                      as a shill for vegetable oil products, which will replace butter
                 MORE MADNESS                                         and cream when chefs remove them. And where, oh where
                 The food police seem more determined than ever to remove   are the voices urging removal of industrial fats and oils from
                 the last scrap of animal fat from children’s diets. In an article   restaurant meals? The food industry coined the term “solid
                 on obesity in the October, 2010 issue of the Journal of the   fats” to refer to both trans and saturated fats, but when it
                 American Dietetic Association, authors Jill Reedy and Susan   comes to demonization, only healthy fats like butter and
                 M. Krebs-Smith bemoan the fact that, “Nearly 40 percent of   cream get the blame.
                 total calories consumed by 2-18 year olds were in the form
                 of empty calories from solid fat and from added sugars. Half   CELL PHONES AND BRAIN CANCER
                 of empty calories came from six foods.” And which are the   Does epidemiological evidence show an association between
                 foods contributing to “empty” calories? Soda, fruit drinks,   long-term cell phone usage and the risk of developing a brain
                 dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza. . . and whole milk! Dairy   tumor? Yes, it does. A recently published meta-analysis indi-
                 desserts (that is, ice cream), pizza and conventional whole   cates that use of a cell phone for ten years or more approxi-
                 milk, bad as they are, at least provide desperately needed   mately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor
                 saturated fats in the diets of growing children. The proposed   on the same side of the head as that preferred for cell phone
                 solution: artificial sweeteners in sodas and desserts, lowfat   use. For two types of cancer (glioma and acoustic neuroma)
                 milk, and fake vegetable oil- and soy-based ingredients in   the data showed statistical significance (Surgical Neurology,
                 ice cream and pizza.                                 2009 Sept;72(3):205-14). What to do? Send text messages, use
                                                                      a land line and limit cell phone use to short emergency calls.
                 LOWFAT FOR FOOTBALL PLAYERS                          Above all, eat plenty of good fats, especially choline-rich egg
                 “Redskins catch on to healthy habits” was the headline of a   yolks, which will protect your brain.
                 Washington Post article about Jane Jakubezak, nutritionist
                 for the Washington, DC football team (September 16, 2010).   AIRPORT SCANNER SCANDAL
                 Thanks to Jane’s urging, veteran running back Clinton Portis   Government officials insist that because the new airport scan-
                 now eats lean protein and vegetables, avoids butter and cream,   ners emit only a very low dose of radiation, they are safe. But
                 and shuns his mother’s comfort foods. The weird, birdfood diet   unlike other scanners, these new devices operate at relatively
                 Jakubezak recommends for these star athletes includes whole   low beam energies. The majority of their energy is delivered
                 grain cereal, skim milk, energy shakes, lowfat chocolate milk   to the skin and the underlying tissue. Thus, while the dose
                 (after workouts), lean meat, egg white omelets, peanut butter   would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of
                 and jelly, and lots and lots of whole wheat bread. By Thanks-  the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high.
                 giving, the Redskins had the longest list of injured players   In a letter to Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for
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