Page 9 - Winter2010
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                soaked oats. I usually set the oats I want  There is nothing harmful in the long  soy products? And when and where does
                for the next day to soak the night before.  soaking, especially if the porridge is  it all end? It seems nothing is virtually
                Recently I got a very good yogurt cul-  cooked. Most traditional cultures soak  soy free, from the plants, vegetables,
                ture (a great place to get a really strong  grains at least two days, which results  fruits, meats, fish, crustaceans and all
                culture is from Indian folks, they have  in a porridge that is too sour for most  their foods they eat/absorb.
                cultures that continue on and on, unlike  western palates.                             Sonja Della Vecchia
                commercial yogurt, or powdered yogurt                                          Mandurah, Western Australia
                starters) and have been using the whey  SOY POLLUTION
                from that in my oats as they soak.      I am trying to avoid all soy and  The animals probably neutralize the
                    The other day I put the oats to soak,  looking into to setting up my own Aqua-  phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors in
                but the next morning we went out to  ponics system, but as I’m suspicious of  soy, but some isoflavones remain. For
                breakfast so we didn’t use the oats. The  anything that is manufactured, I looked  example, there are isoflavones in the
                oats therefore soaked a second day and  into the fish ration that you are supposed  yolks of soy-fed chickens. In pigs soy has
                then when I went to use them I noticed  to feed the fish in your system. I was  caused infertility, but it is put in the feed
                a  pleasant  yeasty  smell  so  I  cooked  shocked and horrified that 80 percent of  of the neutered pigs. So our concerns
                them anyway and ate a small amount.  it is composed of soy! I have been trying  are justified. We should encourage our
                Wow! What a difference in energy from  to find some that is not but to no avail,  farmers to raise soy-free poultry (and
                these oats! I have severe CFS and I have  so now I have to make it myself.   be prepared to pay the additional price).
                never eaten anything that comes close     The main problem—which even  And we should definitely avoid farmed
                to giving that kind of noticeable energy.  further shocked me—is that all the com-  fish and shrimp.
                They kept my blood sugar up (I’m very  mercial fish feed used in all fish farms
                hypoglycemic), and I wasn’t hungry for  inland as well as the fish feed used out  FORMULA FOR SUCCESS
                hours. It was amazing. Of course I plan  at sea is composed of a high percentage     I just had to pass on the story of one
                to continue to soak my oats for two days  of soy, so all the left over feed that the  very thankful member of our farm club
                now with the whey in them.         fish out in the ocean do not eat, becomes  whose baby, Scarlett, was not thriving
                    I’m writing to you at WAPF to see  food for other sea animals and crusta-  on breast milk or conventional formula,
                whether  perhaps there  is anything I  ceans. So now we have the whole food  so Ashley started making the raw milk
                should be concerned about before doing  chain being poisoned by this, and we as  formula for her.
                this regularly, might I be getting some  the consumer are eating these seemingly     “Scarlett is doing so great!” she
                undesirable bugs and not realize it for a  “healthy” foods! I even went as far as to  reports. “She only gets up once a night
                while? I realize that when you culture  look at the pellets they feed our farmed  and hardly spits up at all! I wish I would
                veggies for sauerkraut, they go through  animals such as chickens, cows and  have had this formula for my son, Wy-
                different stages, and the first stage would  pork. They all contained a high percent-  att, when he was a baby. I struggled
                not have very desirable bugs it seems for  age of soy, even the “organic” farmed  with his eczema and him spitting up so
                consumption. Not sure whether grains  ones. I feel so sick to my stomach that  badly that everywhere I went I had to
                do this as well. My oatmeal did continue  this is happening right in front of us, and  bring three or four rags with me only to
                to smell yeasty after cooking, but not off,  all in the name of financial gain.   return home with them all soaked. He
                or unpleasant.                         What I would like to know is, when
                                       Julie Incerti  these animals and fish eat the soy, does   Gifts and bequests to the
                            Bellingham, Washington  it at all break down in them to be not   Weston A. Price Foundation
                                                   harmful to us, or is the animal or fish we   will help ensure the gift of good health
                                                   eat basically the same as buying “fake”     to future generations.

                WINTER 2010                                Wise Traditions                                             9

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