Page 5 - Winter2010
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                Valley to encourage them to reconsider  that Organic Valley is against raw milk  farmer is at the mercy of the inspector’s
                their position. I encourage this. I have  sales, it’s the liability they face if one  view, and we all know how the govern-
                also written them letters. However, as  of their farms causes illness. You can’t  ment feels about raw milk. You have
                a farmer who has been affected by the  sit in Washington and tell me that every  to understand how your view hurts so
                new rule, I would also like to discour-  farm that sells raw milk is high quality  many more than it helps. Why is it that
                age any boycotts or mudslinging. I have  and safe. Unless you’ve investigated  the farmer takes all the risk and only
                been hearing talk of a national boycott  each and every site on your web page,  a few reap the rewards? If a vote were
                of Organic Valley brand. I am convinced  how can you honestly say that?   taken by our co-op, half of the farmers
                that sort of action can only hurt the     On our farm, we do sell raw milk  would vote against raw milk sales, half
                entire organic movement. I definitely  to a few relatives and neighbors. This  for it. Why is it wrong for Organic Val-
                believe they made the wrong choice.  is legal in Illinois, and Organic Valley  ley to protect all of their producers?
                However,  we  need  to  work  together  is okay with this. These customers are     We  are  fifth  generation  Illinois
                despite differences and appreciate the  only people we trust, and they trust us  dairy farmers. We would not be farm-
                common ground we have. I consider  to produce milk that is healthy and safe.  ing any longer if Organic Valley hadn’t
                Organic Valley to be one of the most  The problem is that the farmer faces all  been able to take on our farm in 2002.
                honorable and well run organizations I  the liability if something goes wrong.  We could not pass on our farm to our
                have ever worked with. They also tend  Once it leaves the farm, you have no  sons for the sixth generation. We ask that
                to be a little ahead of the organic rule  control over how quickly the milk is  you reconsider your decision, remember
                regarding pasture requirements. I cer-  refrigerated or if the containers it went  those of us who are affected directly by
                tainly agree that the “no milk diversion  into are clean.              it, and find another way to make your
                for a business” policy has seemed out of     Asking members to not support  point.
                character for what I know of them. But I  Organic Valley products hurts all of   Delmar and Theresa Westaby
                am convinced that a boycott of Organic  the farmers who work so hard to pro-             Stockton, Illinois
                Valley (which has an excellent reputa-  duce their products. When sales drop
                tion as a small organic co-op) would,  to a low level, a supply quota will be  CONTROVERSIAL CUCUMBERS
                at the least, cripple the growth of the  automatically implemented on the dairy     The recent Virginia Independent
                organic movement. If Organic Valley is  farmers to produce less milk. This, in  Consumers and Farmers Association
                not to be trusted, who in organics will  turn, causes financial strain on us. Not  meeting  at  the  Farmers’  Market  in
                the consumer trust?                all Organic Valley dairy producers agree  Virginia Beach was interesting and en-
                                     Glenn Wenger  with raw milk sales; some of us do, but  lightening. Members from as far away as
                           Mountain Meadows Farm   in a limited capacity. The farms that  Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania came
                             Richfield, Pennsylvania  want unlimited raw milk sales should  to discuss their trials and tribulations
                                                   terminate their agreement with Organic  as small independent farmers. It was a
                AN ISSUE OF LIABILITY              Valley and go out on their own.     shock to learn just how very difficult it
                    I am writing in concern over your     Also, another factor in all of this  is to be a small farmer nowadays.
                decision to ask your members not to  is the federal and state milk inspectors     A friend observed that eating good
                support Organic Valley products due  who will target those facilities that allow  quality food such as products grown by
                to their position on raw milk sales. We  raw milk sales. If Organic Valley openly  small independent farmers is an invest-
                are Organic Valley Dairy Producers  promotes  raw  milk,  every  inspector  ment in health. You can either buy good
                in Illinois. Your decision hurts all the  around will be after their farms. If you  quality food, he said, or pay higher bills
                other producers with Organic Valley  fail a government inspection for any rea-  when you visit the doctor. These days,
                whether we sell raw milk or not. It is not  son, you cannot sell milk to anyone. The  there are many people who share those

                WINTER 2010                                Wise Traditions                                             5

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