Page 8 - Winter2010
P. 8
You can actually find some good rica, and lived in the African country of up, and a Kenyan student had tantalized
things at your average grocery store: Tanzania from 2000-2002 as a teacher. him with comments about the delicious
wild canned salmon, canned sardines The first story has me visiting a small “African cake” the students were going
and anchovies, brown rice, coconut village, and sharing a meal with a fam- to make for the party. When the night
milk, organic beans or dried beans, and ily. We were gathered together on the of the party came, they brought forward
tomato sauce. I also look for pâté and floor of their house with a big platter of roasted goat intestine that was stuffed
canned mackerel. There may even be rice before us, and a small bowl of meaty with roasted organ meats. We felt hood-
more ideas in the annual WAPF Shop- chunks (still on the bone). The custom in winked; this wasn’t cake! My roommate
ping Guide. Tanzania is that the guest is served first, (an off and on vegan) was given a bite,
Kathy Kramer, and is always served the best the family and then every person gathered at the
WAPF Office Manager can offer. That day, the hostess proudly party was given a bite. Later, we all
Cottage City, Maryland placed a large piece of fat on the rice in shared goat soup, which was a bone
front of me, while the family watched broth that had some finely minced pieces
SACRED FOODS as I ate it. of organ meat in it. Our students relished
I wanted to write to you with a At the time, I was horrified to be it all. It was “African cake.” And yet
couple of anecdotal stories about sacred eating a large piece of gristle, but I tried again, I hadn’t realized that they were
foods. While reading Nutrition and to get it down with a smile of thanks. giving us the best they had—and this
Physical Degeneration by Dr. Price, Now, after reading Dr. Price’s research, came out of their traditional wisdom.
two memories that were buried deep in I understand why the gift they made to JoAnne Harbert
my mind came vividly to the surface. I me was what they considered to be the Chicago, Illinois
didn’t quite realize back then what was best.
happening, but now it is crystal clear to The second story has to do with LONG SOAKING
me. a party that our students threw for my Since 2001, I’ve been eating a tra-
I have traveled extensively in Af- roommate. His birthday was coming ditional diet, including raw milk and
Winners of the 2010 Activist Award Ann Marie Michaels, A very surprised Nicholas Gonzalez, MD,
Sarah Pope and Maureen Diaz, pictured with wins the coveted Weston A. Price Foundation
WAPF president Sally Fallon Morell. 2010 Integrity in Science Award.
8 Wise Traditions WINTER 2010 WINTER 2010 Wise Traditions
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