Page 6 - Winter2010
P. 6


               views. They are probably among the  the USDA is to sell the animal live and  I avoided most grains, especially wheat,
               folks who frequent the farmers’ markets  have a butcher hired by the new owner  since I have a family history of diabetes
               in Virginia Beach.                 to kill it.                         and am sensitive to carbohydrate over-
                   The late father of a friend of mine     And  here’s  the  most  ridiculous  load; however, I ate rice occasionally.
               was a CIA agent stationed in South  part: home pickling remains banned  I also avoided dairy products as they
               America. He said that in the last days of  on the theory that the food might spoil.  seemed to cause flair-ups of arthritis in
               the USA, there would be the appearance  How sad that cucumbers have become  my hands. I wasn’t eating butter so the
               of freedom but not its actual substance.  controversial.               only fat I was eating, other than those
               His remarks came back to me as I lis-                   Christine Ross  provided in foods and the fish oil supple-
               tened to the farmers’ tales of woe. One of     Virginia Beach, Virginia  ment, were olive oil and coconut oil.
               the first complaints of the farmers to me                                 I started thinking about other pos-
               was that they felt that farms were being  STEADY WITH THE LARD         sible dietary causes for the tremors and
               centralized (as in a Communist system).     In the late winter of 2009 my hands  began to wonder whether it was possible
               And my concern is that collectivization  developed a mild tremor that became  that I wasn’t eating enough animal fat. I
               will be next.                      progressively worse over the next six  knew that the myelin sheath of nerves is
                   As you know, the test of private  months  or  so.  The  shaking,  which  composed mainly of fat and that healthy
               property is whether you can do what you  eventually became nearly constant, was  myelin is critical for proper nerve func-
               want with your property. It is painfully  severe at times, especially when I was  tion. Reasoning that I am an animal,
               obvious that farmers and dairymen have  doing something intentional, like trying  not a plant, it seemed possible that my
               lost ownership of their farms and live-  to scratch my nose or hold something  reliance mainly on plant oils (olive and
               stock as the government and big agricul-  still. I am an artist and need steady  coconut) had resulted in a deficiency
               ture bear down on them with excessive  hands in order to create paintings.  of some type of fat that might be more
               and punitive regulation. For example, in     In the 1980s, after years of poor  available in animal fat.
               Virginia, goat owners who wish to give  eating habits, I began to correlate a va-     Since I wasn’t eating butter, I de-
               or sell their goat to a neighbor must now  riety of health problems, including hand  cided to add lard to my diet to see if it
               register their premises with the govern-  tremors, with my diet and slowly began  could help. I started using it liberally
               ment, and tag and number the goat. If  eating healthier food. When my hands  for cooking foods. To my amazement,
               a chicken trespasses on a neighbor’s  began to tremble, I experimented with  within two days there was a noticeable
               farm, the chicken’s owner will be fined.  additional changes. Although I didn’t  decrease in the severity of the shaking.
               If a small independent farmer wishes to  drink much coffee, I stopped drinking  Intrigued, I continued to use lard for
               sell pieces of meat from an animal he  it entirely. I also began taking additional  cooking, added it to soups, and even
               has raised, he must drive as far as six  B-complex vitamins, over and above  added it to my herbal tea. The shaking in
               hundred miles to the USDA-inspected  that supplied in the multivitamin I was  my hands improved so much that within
               butcher to have the animal slaughtered.  taking. Slowly, over the course of several  several months, there was only a minor
               Of course, the price of gas will be passed  months, the tremors went away.  tremor. Now, about a year after I started
               on to the consumer.                    But the shaking of my hands re-  including lard in my diet, there is no
                   As I am sure you have noted, USDA  turned in early 2009. At the time, I was  noticeable tremor of my hands except,
               inspection is no guarantee that the meat  eating a very “good” diet, including  very rarely, when I am really tired.
               will be free of cancer or blood clots.  lean red meat, pork, chicken, eggs, and     The  fat  composition  of  lard  ap-
               There are plenty of cancerous chicken  fish, along with abundant vegetables  parently varies based on the diet of the
               parts for sale in the grocery store. I’ve  and fruit and a variety of vitamin and  hogs and the body location of the fat
               seen them. The only way to get around  mineral supplements, including fish oil.  that is used to make the lard. Accord-
               6                                          Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2010

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