Page 10 - Winter2010
P. 10
never slept either. In fact he didn’t sleep the way on how to make the homemade that were difficult to get and, of course,
through the night until he was fourteen formula. It has truly been a blessing! not local to me.
months old—that was right about the And I am so thankful to my local farmer I received a letter in reply from
time that he stopped getting bottles and for supplying me with what I need to Reid’s, stating that they had decided to
ate regular food! feed my baby!” go back to producing the additive-free
“Wyatt was on the special formula Kris Johnson, Chapter Leader cream because they had received many
because of severe constipation from soy Toledo, Ohio letters from people who were unhappy
formula. (I knew something wasn’t right about the additives! I was very pleased
with soy, before I had read anything bad A GOOD SOURCE OF CREAM to hear this and wrote them back thank-
about it.) The special formula got rid of I wanted to comment on the letter, ing them for going back to the real deal
the constipation, but his eczema never “Not Cream at All” (Fall, 2010). I, too, (even if it is unfortunately pasteurized).
started to clear up until he was about live in Canada, and would purchase Lac- They were true to their word and still
six months old. And from the time he tantia dairy products (mainly their cul- produce non-additive creams. This is a
started the special formula I had to tured butter but also cream). I noted that small local dairy.
put him on Prevacid for his acid reflux most of the dairies that were procured by What everyone needs to do is find a
and the spitting up all the time. I know big Ag companies started putting many small local dairy that sells to local stores
now that the formula was causing all additives into their cream, sour cream, and start a letter writing campaign. It
the problems, because when he started buttermilk and yogurt. may not even hurt to letter write to big
regular food everything started to go I’m writing to report that I found Ag companies as well, although ad-
away. In fact, when I started feeding him a small dairy local to me that does not! mittedly I think big Ag would require
whole milk yogurt the reflux and eczema Reid’s Dairy in Belleville, Ontario, thousands of letters urging them to stop
improved quite a bit even though he was makes all their types of cream without the additives, before they would even
still getting primarily formula. any additives. Then suddenly they too discuss it in the board room. It was not
“Scarlett was headed for the same started putting in the additives. I wrote too difficult to make that change in a
road—when put on commercial formula them a letter stating I was not happy small local dairy!
she started to have the same problems about the additives and would no longer Roberta Jamieson
that Wyatt did. I am so thankful to the purchase their products, and went to Codrington, Ontario, Canada
Weston A. Price Foundation for leading great lengths to purchase organic creams
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10 Wise Traditions WINTER 2010
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