Page 12 - Winter2010
P. 12

Caustic Commentary

               has come up with a variety of “non-dairy whipping cream”  the late 19th century and reached a plateau during the 1930s,
               products for use as cake decoration, pastry fillings, ice cream  this increase did not happen in France, a Mediterranean coun-
               and. . .whipping cream. Always looking for ways to make  try, until from the 1970s” (Financial Times. Letters, October
               things cheaper and harder to distinguish from real food, the  16, 2010). What are you smoking, dear Timo? Your editor
               company Premium Ingredients has launched “a new blend  visited France for the first time in 1959, and remembers cream
               of hydrocolloids and emulsifiers” for vegetable whipping  cheese, whipped cream, soufflés and plates swimming with
               cream that offers “high versatility, cost savings and freeze-  butter. Even today, saturated fat consumption by the French is
               thaw stability.” Most important, the product is “cheaper than  the highest in Europe, while rates of heart disease are lowest
               traditional dairy cream and any other vegetable cream alter-  ( Ac-
               native.” One reason the product is cheap is because it has a  cording to Professor Strandberg, low levels of heart disease in
               “very high overrun of more than 250 percent.” This figure  France today are due to the use of cholesterol-lowering statin
               expresses  the  percentage  of                                          drugs. “Eating lots of cream cheese
               expansion of cream that can be                                          and butter-rich croissants may not be
               achieved from an amount of air                                          so dangerous if you are on a statin,”
               incorporated into it. According                                         says the professor. What’s really dan-
               to a company spokesperson,                                              gerous is advice from academics so
               “unlike  conventional  cream                                            blinded by their own dogma that they
               that is very soft and struggles                                         cannot distinguish fact from fiction,
               to hold its shape for very long,                                        and who continue to promote the very
               its  vegetable  alternative  is                                         lowfat or wrong-fat diets that are obvi-
               relatively high strength. . . the                                       ously killing us.
               blend maintains its strength
               through time and can withstand                                          INVESTING IN DIABETES
               freezing and thawing cycles                                             One thing the USDA Dietary Guide-
               to  maintain  stable  emulsion                                          lines have surely contributed to is an
               without breakage” (, October 21, 2010).  increase in diabetes, since the Guidelines gave Americans
               Unfortunately, those who try to nourish themselves on this  the green light to eat lots of carbs and demonized the healthy
               food-like product may indeed struggle to hold their shape,  animal fats that help normalize blood sugar levels and provide
               as they will need to eat and eat and eat in an effort to obtain  key nutrients for the pancreas and adrenal glands, the main
               nourishment for their starving bodies.               organs involved in blood sugar regulation. The Centers for
                                                                    Disease Control (CDC) estimates that currently one US adult
               HAVE A STATIN WITH YOUR CROISSANT                    in ten has diabetes, mostly type-2 diabetes, and predicts that
               It is truly incredible the lengths to which scientists invested in  by 2050, one in three Americans could be diabetic (http://
               the lipid hypothesis will go to explain away all the contradic-, October 25, 2010). While pub-
               tions to their theory. The French Paradox, for example, derives  lic health officials wring their hands, the diabetes epidemic
               from the observation that the French have low rates of heart  translates into a lot of profit for certain industry groups,
               disease even though they consume a lot of saturated fat in the  starting with the pharmaceutical industry. At a September,
               form of butter, cream, whole cheeses, paté, sausage and meat  2010 meeting for the European Association for the Study
               fats. According to Timo Strandberg from the University of  of Diabetes (EASD), Dr. John Betteridge declared that all
               Oulu, Finland, “Fewer coronary deaths during the 1970s and  diabetics over forty should be on cholesterol-lowering statin
               1990s in France than in Britain (or in the US) were simply  drugs. Other beneficiaries include makers of food products
               reflecting much lower saturated fat consumption and lower  for diabetics, such as low- and no-calorie sweeteners, and
               cholesterol levels in France during earlier decades. While  “functional fibers,” said to blunt blood sugar spikes after
               saturated fat consumption started to increase in Britain from  eating. Alas, more and more people are opting for real food
               12                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2010

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