Page 7 - Winter2010
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ing to an internet article comparing IT’S THE WATER insurance programs in Slovenia. There
the fat content of various cooking fats, The excellent article “Magnificent are fifteen or more mineral spas in Slo-
lard contains more saturated fat and Magnesium” (Fall, 2010), tells us that venia, mostly bordering on a tectonic
less monounsaturated fat than olive oil. magnesium is one of the most impor- plate running northeast to southeast,
Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, is tant nutrients in the body, involved in each with its distinct mix of minerals
one of the main components of myelin. over three hundred reactions. Yet, the in the water.
It might be inferred that the high mono- majority of Americans are magnesium Donat is available in the US, at Par-
unsaturated oleic acid content of olive deficient. Good sources of magnesium But, for a firsthand
oil should contribute to the production are nuts, grains and seaweed. These tasting of Donat mineral water, a visit
of healthy myelin. However, since I had sources can be problematic for those to a Slovene spa, and much, much more,
been eating lots of olive oil at the time with allergies. join me for ten days on our “Taste of
the tremors developed and since the Regarding other natural sources, Slovenia” Real Food Tour in June 2011.
addition of lard to my diet dramatically the author, Katherine Czapp, states that Sylvia P. Onusic, PhD
and rapidly reduced the hand tremors, it “Even many bottled mineral waters Portage, Pennsylvania
seems more likely that something in the are low in magnesium, or have a high
higher saturated fat component of lard concentration of calcium, or both.” This In the absence of magnesium-rich min-
was responsible for the improvement. is generally true, except for Donat, a eral water, a good substitute is still or
My experience of apparently cur- mineral water from a thermal spa in sparkling water with an added pinch of
ing hand tremors by adding lard to my northeastern Slovenia. This water has unrefined salt.
otherwise healthy diet doesn’t mean an amazing 1030 mg of magnesium per
that everyone or even anyone else with liter, the most magnesium of any mineral KIDNEYS FOR MAGNESIUM
hand tremors will experience the same water in the world. I recently learned that the Europe-
benefit. It is also possible that another When I am in Slovenia every sum- ans recognize kidneys as an excellent
person with tremors might benefit from mer, I drink Donat water every day, and source of magnesium. Typically, kid-
a different mix of fats in their diet. I always feel very well when I am there. neys are consumed fresh, during the hog
However, lard is inexpensive and read- I learned about Donat from people I butchering season in late fall, and during
ily available at any grocery store so, if met when I first arrived in Slovenia in the lamb and calf butchering season in
someone has tremors, it may be worth 1992. It was kind of a folk wisdom that the spring. It is said that eating a good
experimenting with the addition of lard Donat water was good for you. Drinking portion of kidneys during these periods
to the diet. mineral water or “taking the waters” at will prevent cramps for six months.
A side benefit of adding lard to my the spa locations and sites of springs Agnes Richards
diet is that my skin is softer and my is a very old European tradition. The Dallas, Texas
chronically dry hair is no longer dry. treatment was called “the cure.” Physi-
Lynn Bishop cians used mineral water with great FOOD DONATIONS
Lakewood, Colorado success for many diseases and found When our church collects canned
that immersing oneself in mineral water and non-perishable goods each year for
The vitamin D, arachidonic acid, and lowered blood pressure. the poor, I would see all the junk and be
cholesterol in lard may have also con- Artifacts found at spa sites in Slo- discouraged from participating. Now I
tributed to the improvement in neuro- venia indicate that the springs were used know what to contribute, and I chuckle
logical function. by the Romans. Treatment at a health to think how different my bag is from
spa for specific ailments and recovery others, and hope that folks will actually
after surgery are covered under health eat the foods I contribute.
WINTER 2010 Wise Traditions 7
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