Page 3 - Winter2010
P. 3
BUTTER OIL FOR On a separate subject, thank you for AN EASY PREGNANCY
THYROID HEALTH your Ask the Doctor article on eczema When my pregnant daughter Aman-
My father was diagnosed with hy- (Fall, 2010). I had absolutely awful ec- da visited her obstetrician, the doctor
perthyroidism in February 2008. We had zema on my hands for a few years. As became upset with her because she was
already been getting raw milk and eating with your correspondent in the column, not taking pre-natal vitamins. Amanda
a WAPF diet, so continued with that. the only thing my doctor could offer was responded that she was taking cod liver
In the summer of the same year (your a steroid cream. I used this for a while oil and eating liver, plus other good
summer) my parents went on holiday to but wasn’t keen on continuing. I tried a foods, but the doctor thought that she
the US and Canada. They ate raw dairy few natural remedies but nothing could was not getting enough folate and or-
wherever they could. I also sent them keep it away. Then I tried the Itch Calm dered extensive blood work to see what
raw butter and cheese. Cream from Artemis (www.herbalmedi- was wrong and how to “fix” it.
On returning to New Zealand Dad with fabulous results. It did A week later my daughter returned,
definitely looked better and had put on take a while (probably about six months) and the doctor was shocked at how great
some weight. He saw his specialist and and the eczema got worse to begin with, Amanda’s blood work was. Everything
his levels of T3 and T4 were starting to but I did have very bad eczema. I con- was perfect. She then asked Amanda
come down. We continued with the raw tinue to use it in a few stubborn areas where she got her cod liver oil, because
milk. twice a day but the rash is 95 percent she was going to start telling her patients
In May 2009 I discovered that we gone. I highly recommend it! to use it. I was over the moon when I
could buy fermented cod liver oil here Jill Freeman heard that.
so bought some instantly! Dad’s levels Tauranga, New Zealand Amanda is now with a midwife
of T3 and T4 continued to improve af- and is planning a homebirth, with the
ter starting on the cod liver oil and his IODINE SUPPLEMENTS TOXIC? obstetrician as backup. The midwife
specialist lowered his medication. But Thank you for your article on the was impressed with the “strong healthy
the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) iodine debate (Summer, 2009). On this heartbeat” of Amanda’s baby. And my
refused to budge from less than 0.01. issue, I side with Dr. Alan Gaby and the daughter is experiencing a very easy
When we could no longer get findings of Weston Price, in that healthy pregnancy. Must be all the cod liver oil,
the regular fermented cod liver oil, I people had relatively low iodine intake. eggs, pâté, and raw milk.
switched us all to the cod liver oil and In any event, these healthy people were Joy Eriksen
butter oil blend. This was near the end not taking iodine supplements. Novato, California
of last year. Approximately three months I am sure the healthy body can
later Dad went to see his specialist—the excrete excess iodine, but that is not FROTHY MATTERS
TSH levels were starting to increase! the issue. The real issue is whether the A recent paper from UC, Davis ex-
Dad visited his specialist again a iodine in supplements is obtained using amined the “frothing” characteristics of
couple of months ago and found that a toxic kerosene-like substance, which milk in cappuccino. I buy local raw milk
his TSH level was now 0.45! Now all causes adverse health problems. What from Jersey cows for my family, but it
his levels are in the normal range, and exactly is used to extract iodine for never froths well in my electric heater-
his medication was lowered again. We supplemental use? That is the question frother. When a neighbor brought his
are thrilled. I’m sure the raw dairy and that needs to be answered. conventional milk over (whole, organic
the regular fermented cod liver oil all UHT pasteurized and homogenized), it
helped, but things really seemed to get Agnes Langer created a mound of froth in one frothing
going when Dad changed to the combo Hammond, Indiana cycle. I was so impressed by the differ-
with the high-vitamin butter oil. ence that I sought out some answers.
WINTER 2010 Wise Traditions 3
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