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damage from cell phone radiation is greater     In its scathing letter to the Massachusetts   We need to
          when the exposure is intermittent (five minutes  Department of Public Utilities, Northeast
          on, ten minutes off) than when continuous (Diem  Utilities has stated that achievement of grid-  stop deploying
          et al., 2005). This may be because the cells are  modernization objectives “does not require the  any new
          constantly adapting and using energy to defend  implementation of AMI, despite the Depart-  technologies
          themselves; they drop their guard during the off  ment’s suggestion that it does.” This letter con-
          period and are caught unawares when it goes on  tains sensible alternative recommendations for   until they
          again….“Smart” meters, which operate 24/7 and  cost-effective grid modernization, fully achiev- are proven
          radiate modulated microwaves intermittently,  able without noxious AMI radiation hazards. 35  harmless.
          can therefore be expected to be particularly     It is truly wise to become educated on all
          harmful to DNA.” 31                       of these vital issues. We must be proactive in
              The National Institutes of Health confirms  order to understand what utility companies are
          the fact that all cancer begins with damaged  planning for our individual neighborhoods and
          DNA. In a nation with fourteen million can-  for our states.
          cer victims and 1.6 million new cancer cases     In these challenging times, vigilance and
          diagnosed each year (not counting millions of  reliable information empower us to prevent suf-
          skin cancers), exposure to EMR from wireless  fering and protect everyone's health.
          technologies matters to everyone's health.
              Surely the welfare of pregnant women and  Amy Worthington, a member of the Weston A.
          children is of utmost importance to our society.  Price Foundation from Idaho, is an investiga-
          EMR from “smart” meters and other electronics  tive journalist who has researched and written
          has the potential to damage the entire human  many articles on the topic of wireless radiation.
          reproductive system. This was already reported
          in 1971 by the Naval Medical Research Institute  REFERENCES
          (NMRI) at Bethesda, Maryland, which col-  1.   “IEE Report finds Smart Meters Widely Deployed, Laying
                                                        Groundwork for Expanded Grid Benefits,” The Edison
          lected over twenty-three studies to document   Foundation for Electric Innovation, 2014.
          the impacts of non-ionizing radiation on human   2.   American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Letter
          health. Dr. Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D., compiled   to Public Utilities Commission of the State of California,
                                                        January 19, 2012.
          these studies. Among deleterious effects listed   3.   The BioInitiative Report 2012.
          in Dr. Glaser's report are altered menstrual activ-  4.   Ibid.
                                                        This figure is offered in the 2013 documentary film “Take
          ity, male impotence, altered sex ratio of births   Back Your Power,” Josh del Sol, producer.
          (more girls), and decreased lactation in nursing   6.   “Why Smart Meters Might be a Dumb Idea,” W. Kelly,
                                                        Consumer’s Digest, January 2011.
          mothers. 32                               7.   Ibid.
              Today, medical science offers much addi-  8.   This comprehensive list of systems within a smart meter
                                                        mesh infrastructure is found in Sempra Energy Proprietary
          tional confirmation that EMR emissions from   and Confidential Information, Volume I Technical and
          AMI meters and their support infrastructure   Project Plan, August 2009, published for San Diego Gas
          have the potential to damage ovaries and ova   and Electric (SDG&E) in a proposal for its GridComm
                                                        System. This document, describing the vast microwave
          cells, harm the fetus, cause low birth weight,   mesh infrastructure needed for SDG&E’s GridComm
          and even induce premature delivery.  There is   smart metering system, was endorsed by a vendor team
                                                        that includes CISCO, IBM, Arcadian and CSC.
          also increasing evidence that EMR emissions   9.   “Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile
          may be linked to America’s epidemic of autistic   Phone Base Stations.” Int J Occup Env Health:16- 3, Jul/
                                                        Sept 2010, p. 263-267.
          spectrum disorders. 34                    10.  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) press
                                                        release, Lyon France, May 31, 2011.
              Public awareness is a first step toward   11.  “Biological  and  Health  Effects  of  Microwave  Radio
          forging solutions to the many challenges of the   Frequency Transmissions, A Review of the Research
          “smart” grid conundrum. We need citizens, leg-  Literature: A report to the Staff and Directors of the
          islators and regulators concerned about health.   Eugene Water and Electric Board,” Paul Dart M.D. et al,
                                                        June 4, 2013.
          We need “smart” meters recalled and analog   12.  “The ‘Medusa’ Meter—A Bigger Unsafe Meter for Pre-
                                                        ferred Customers,”
          mechanical meters restored. We need to stop   13.  These radiation measurements were obtained and dis-
          deploying any new technologies until they are   cussed by producer Josh de Sol in the documentary film
          proven harmless.                              “Take Back Your Power.”
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