Page 45 - Winter2014
P. 45

1.   They individually identify electrical devices and record when they are operated, causing invasion of privacy.
             2.   They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic privacy.
             3.   They transmit wireless signals that are interceptable by unauthorized and distant parties.
             4.   No power company or other individual agency has consent to conduct surveillance or monitoring or to emit radia-
                 tion (EMR) on our property or residence with a digital meter.

             5.   Those with access to the data can review a permanent history of household activities taken and viewed unlawfully
                 and without the consent of occupants and subjects of the surveillance.
             6.   Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of, unauthorized law enforcement, private hackers of
                 wireless transmissions and other unidentified parties for use against the interests of the energy subscribers and the
                 occupants of the structures.
             7.   “Smart” meters are, by definition, surveillance devices that violate federal and state wiretapping laws by recording
                 and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors recorded without the consent or knowledge
                 of those people who are monitored.
             8.   It is possible, for example, with analysis of certain “smart” meter data, for unauthorized and distant parties to
                 determine medical conditions, sexual activities, vacancy patterns, general affluence, trade secrets and physical
                 locations of occupants.
             9.   By intentional transmission and/or incidental disruption of house current, digital meters emit cancer-causing elec-
                 tromagnetic radiation, which violates laws against public endangerment, assault and commission of bodily harm.
             10. Digital meters are designed to transmit using electromagnetic radiation known to cause cancer and many other
                 diseases, illnesses and symptoms.

                 For the above reasons, and by right of occupancy and property ownership, I prohibit, and deny consent of, any
             installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, surveillance and radiation-emitting devices on my property and
             place of residence, especially in the form of a digital, transmitting utility meter.
                 Any attempt to install any such device directed at me or other occupants on my property or place of residence will
             constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and assault, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil
             actions. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring
             devices that I consider unlawful will be fully liable for major financial and compliance claims and demands in excess of
             one million dollars.
                 This is a legal notice. The liabilities and obligations listed above are true and binding upon all parties upon delivery
             of this notice. These terms and conditions apply without regard to status or existence of any “opt-out” contract.
                 Under my authority as owner and/or occupant of the above property, and under your implied or expressed applica-
             tion to enter that property, this is an adhesion contract to which you are now bound until and unless you respond with
             factual rebuttal in a sworn statement by an authorized and identified party within 21 days of this delivery. Any rebuttal
             must show your authority to install an unlawful radiation-emitting surveillance device (digital electric “meter”) on my
             property without my consent. Expect rebuttal to any such claim. Any failure to timely show and prove full and binding
             authority to install the unlawful and harmful device on my property and/or place of occupancy will be an agreement
             with all terms and conditions herein. I/we deny and refuse any past, present and future proposal, offer, demand or
             claim contrary to any terms or conditions herein.
                 Notice to principal is notice to agent, and notice to agent is notice to principal.
                                                                              Name  of  energy user and/or customer

             Note: If a utility company has already installed a transmitting meter on your residence and you want it removed, first
             find out if the company allows an opt-out. If they do, simply go through the proper channels for having it removed
             and replaced with a mechanical meter. If opt-outs are not available in your area, Jerry Day offers a letter that demands
             removal at

 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           41

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