Page 42 - Winter2014
P. 42
How much energy technologies. success of the smart meter transition is based on
money and One path to the suppression of competitive consumers saving money and energy in the long
run, we can’t help but imagine that it could take
technologies is apparently through the U.S. Pat-
wellbeing ent Office. The Commissioner of Patents can or- decades for that to happen—if it ever does.” 29
should we der inventions and technologies to be kept secret
sacrifice to indefinitely. At his discretion, he can deny any REFLECTIONS ON OUR PRIORITIES
patent or withhold the publication of any patent
The formidable challenges presented by
achieve a tiny application. By the end of fiscal year 2011, there AMI smart technology lead back to the dilemma
reduction in were over five thousand Patent Office secrecy of national priorities. How much money and
national energy orders in effect, according to the Federation of wellbeing should we sacrifice to achieve a tiny
American Scientists. It is believed by some reduction in national energy consumption fifteen
consumption scholars that among these many submerged years from now?
fifteen years patents are several clean and viable energy tech- Media sources continually report on many
from now? nologies which are perceived as a threat by the people suffering from electro-hypersensitivity
(EHS) who have fled their smart-metered homes
powerful oil, gas and fracking networks.
Germany is said to be producing almost in desperate search of habitation that does not
50 percent of its energy from solar photovoltaic cause heart palpitations, rashes, severe tinnitus
panels. A large amount of this solar energy is and/neurological disabilities. Electro-sensitivity
produced by individuals and small businesses appears to be a sort of auto-immune condition
who feed their excess energy back into the grid. developed by a growing number of victims,
The German system is reported to be generat- usually after acute exposure to electromagnetic
ing clean energy equivalent to that generated by radiation.
twenty nuclear power stations operating at full Sandi Aders of Idaho has been debilitated
capacity. Advanced solar technology has allowed since a “smart” meter was installed on her home.
Germany to announce that it may abandon dan- Unaware of any hazard, she and her husband used
gerous nuclear energy, a welcome development a bedroom where a transmitting digital meter
following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear melt- was mounted on an outside wall directly opposite
down. 27 their bed. Day by day after the meter's installa-
Mounting evidence demonstrates that tion they grew sicker and more exhausted. They
“smart” meter systems will not significantly cur- tried to cope with rashes and odd nerve disorders.
tail U.S. electricity use. Several pilot programs Simultaneously they developed the symptoms of
across the nation have shown little or no energy glaucoma. They finally hit the road to seek relief
reduction or savings. In 2011, Connecticut At- from a house that made them cruelly sick, but the
torney General George Jepson announced that damage has proven irreversible. Sandi is now so
“smart” meter pilot results showed no beneficial electrosensitive that she lives without electricity,
impact on total energy usage in his state. He said phones or computers. No physician has found a
that the benefits of advanced meters would not solution to the low, pulsed radio frequency hum
merit the five hundred million dollar cost of their and droning sounds that she hears constantly,
implementation. especially when she is near electrical power
Ironically, the “smart” meters themselves lines. Due to the nerve damage she says she ac-
use considerable energy in order to perpetually quired after her “smart” meter exposure, Sandi
signal the mesh system. In addition, millions endures the same audio-torture being reported
of “smart” appliances will be always “on” and by many other people nationwide from similar
always communicating with meters, thereby exposures. 30
causing more use. Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, British biologist
A report in Consumer’s Digest muses: and expert on the bio-effects of microwave ra-
“What’s discouraging about the all-but-manda- diation, explains: “The duration of the radiation
tory dynamics of the smart-meter transition is seems to be more important than its strength,
that it’s appealing only if you are willing to pay with the effects being cumulative as more and
a lot of money to save a little electricity…. If the more cells are damaged. Interestingly, DNA
38 Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions
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