Page 37 - Winter2014
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hundred sixty times a day and beacon signals testing shows a single “smart” meter can pro- BioInitiative
to the mesh network nine thousand six hundred duce eight microwatts per centimeter squared
times a day….This penciled out to roughly seven (cm ). A bank of smart meters can generate up Report
transmissions per minute, twenty-four hours a to 19.8 microwatts/cm2 of whole-body radiation scientists
day, coming out of every meter in the commu- exposure. Meantime, modern medical science recommend
nity.” 11 confirms that a microwave transmission power
Since microwaves easily flow through most of only .05 microwatts/cm2 can cause children that FCC
construction materials, “smart” meters attached to suffer headaches, behavioral problems and reduce its
to the outside of homes (or huge banks of them inability to learn and concentrate. 13 emission
on multi-unit dwellings) broadcast a perpetual In a study conducted by chiropractic physi-
barrage of Group 2B radiation directly into the cian Dr. Frank Springob, “smart” meter radiation standards by
interior of inhabited buildings and right through exposure quickly produced almost instant blood thousands-fold
all human flesh within range. abnormalities in human test subjects. Volun- in order to
In addition, some residents within AMI teers had their blood examined as normal, then
mesh networks may also have “Medusa” meters stood within one foot of a transmitting “smart” protect public
on their property. One investigator reports: “A meter for only two minutes. A post-exposure health.
utility whistle blower told us about a special examination with dark field microscopy showed
smart meter—a mini cell phone tower. This col- that all volunteers had developed one of these
lection device receives data and more radiation blood pathologies:
from five hundred to seven hundred surrounding
meters and uses the customer’s premises to serve • Marked degradation of cells with some cell
as a relay station to transmit other neighbors’ walls broken;
data along the mesh network to collection points. • Corrugated formation in which blood cells
These Medusa meters are deployed upon proper- become crimped like bottle caps;
ties without the owner’s knowledge or consent.
The utilities select a property for this meter based • A rouleaux condition in which the red blood
upon easy meter access to the street, no locked cells clump abnormally together.
gates or dogs and good customer payment his-
tory. . . Utilities reward good customers with a Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, who prac-
Medusa meter and bathe their homes with ad- tices medicine in Washington State, says, “It
ditional toxic radiation.” 12 is our experience as doctors that everybody is
By early 2011, the California Public Utilities equally electro-sensitive.” Dr. Klinghardt finds
Commission had received over two thousand the same inflammatory markers in the blood of
health complaints from PG&E customers and every EMR-exposed person, both those who
the complaints escalated from there. By the end feel bad from exposure and those who notice no
of 2011, multiple California cities had either preliminary ill effects. 15
banned smart meters or had placed a morato- “Smart” grid proponents routinely insist that
rium on continued installation. Currently, many the meters emit RF radiation at levels far below
California communities are still in AMI limbo, maximum exposure standards set by the Federal
while communities in other states also struggle Communications Commission (FCC). FCC is the
to find their way. federal agency with sole authority to regulate
wireless antennas. But environmental consultant
THE PROBLEMS WITH EXPOSURE Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report,
TO MAN-MADE EMR has determined that the emissions from “smart”
“Smart” meters are “hot,” in terms of broad- meters installed across California likely exceed
cast power density, and can emit microwaves at FCC’s guidelines. 16
levels many times higher than those reported by Meanwhile, BioInitiative Report scientists
medical studies to cause serious adverse health recommend that the FCC reduce allowable
effects. Film producer Josh del Sol reported in emissions by thousands-fold in order to protect
his documentary Take Back Your Power that public health. Cindy Sage explains that EMR
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 33
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