Page 34 - Winter2014
P. 34

A total of 65          Across the U.S. installers continue to re-  U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are

        million “smart”       place comparatively safe analog (mechanical)  among federal heavyweights behind the thun-
                              utility meters with digital “smart” meters for  dering AMI rollout. Several universities and
              meters are      electrical, gas and water services. Most of the  corporations stand to profit hugely by providing
           projected to       new meters are wireless two-way transmitters  AMI equipment, software and expertise. These
            be installed      that pulse signals to communicate continuously  include General Electric, IBM, Hewlett Packard,
                              between your home, school, or workplace and  Siemens, Toshiba, Microsoft, Cisco, Verizon,
                by 2015,      utility companies miles away. The new meters  Google, Itron and Tantalus.
         covering more        are part of a nationwide project dubbed Advanced     With a financial and political engine of this
             than half of     Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Most folks call  magnitude, the AMI meter replacement project
                              this evolving make-over the “smart grid.”
                                                                         has moved at lightning speed. According to the
                  all U.S.        The AMI “smart” meter below records  Institute for Electric Efficiency (IEE), nearly
            households.       electrical consumption data and sends the infor-  40 percent of U.S. households had an electric
                              mation wirelessly to energy system managers.  “smart” meter installed by August 2013. A total
                              “Smart” meters can be programmed to read and  of sixty-five million “smart” meters are projected
                              transmit data monthly, or up to every fifteen  to be installed by 2015, covering more than half
                              seconds. Data may be relayed by systems similar  of all U.S. households.  Among states hit hard-
                              to mobile phones or Wi-Fi. Or information may  est so far have been Oregon, Idaho, California,
                              be relayed via fiber optics (thin, transparent  Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Maryland,
                              cables that carry signals by pulsing light). Of  Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michi-
                              these methods, fiber optics may offer the safest  gan, Vermont, Florida, Georgia and Alabama.
                                  AMI is nested within the American Recov-  PRELIMINARY REPORTS
                              ery and Investment Act of 2009, and the Obama  ON “SMART” METERS
                              Administration has shoveled an estimated      Over the last three years, strong-arm instal-
                              eleven billion dollars into incentive programs for  lation tactics, fires caused by meters, skyrocket-
                              utilities that participate. “Smart” grid advocates  ing utility bills, privacy concerns and disabling
                              insist that the new two-way meters will reduce  health effects have given momentum to a broad
                              national energy consumption and allow consum-  coalition of “smart” grid opponents. Many,
                              ers to make better choices about their energy  including some government officials, say that
                              needs.                                     the touted benefits of “smart” systems have not
                                  The Department of Energy (DOE) and the  materialized, while the negative ramifications

                                                  AMI “SMART” METER
         30                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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