Page 31 - Winter2014
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However, we found that older subjects who re- establish their validity. The method used in this study could be adapted
portedly use cell phones less in daily life than to test such devices for a protective effect on the blood.
younger subjects showed greater levels of blood The exposure of over 80 percent of the world’s population to cell phone
changes. It is possible that younger subjects may radiation makes this a potentially immense problem that needs more public
simply have greater resilience to cell phone radia- health champions to raise awareness and educate people. Many users wear
tion than older subjects. It is also possible that microwave transmitters attached to their heads, or carry cell phones in
because younger subjects receive more regular pockets or on hips. These devices remain active, even when turned off,
exposure, they have become habituated, i.e., less still communicating with the nearest cell phone tower. Pregnant women,
sensitive to it. Their reactivity is diminished, and and of course children, are believed to be the most vulnerable to cell
they may be unable to respond to it appropriately phone radiation, the latter due to their thinner skulls, developing brains
as a stressor due to various long-term changes and other organs. Yet half of the children in the U.S. as well as many
in their bodies from repeated exposure. Further children around the world use cell phones regularly.
studies comparing different groups of users by In light of these findings and those from other studies on the biological
age and cell phone habit could resolve these is- effects of cell phone frequency microwaves, the evidence suggests that
sues. their safety is uncertain. Meanwhile people may choose to reduce their
exposure to cell phones by changing their habits and usage. The public
This is a small short-term study with ten
subjects tested in single experimental sessions.
Neither experimenter blinding nor control groups
were used. However, it was a preliminary study
designed to look for any acute effects on the
blood. Apparently it is among the first studies of
its kind to document visual effects on peripheral
blood following short-term human exposure to
cell phone radiation. It achieved its goal. Larger,
controlled studies should be conducted to expand
on these results.
In support of this study, certain controls
were used. Subject fasting, exposure to cell
phone radiation, and exposure to ambient
electrosmog from the local environment were Figure 12. Net blood factor scores in subjects after carrying cell phone
controlled. An unbiased method of selecting vs. subject age.
and photographing the blood specimens near the
sample center to avoid edge effects was used.
The researcher has many years of experience
in blood microphotography and developed a
Likert scale to score blood factors reliably using
a well-trained eye. The blood changes recorded
by microphotography are objective and visually
How can we protect ourselves from cell
phone radiation? Various commercial devices are
being sold with claims of protection. However,
controlled trials on these products are lacking.
They need testing by independent laboratories Figure 13. Net blood factor scores in subjects after
and publications in peer-reviewed journals to active use of the cell phone vs. subject age.
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 27
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