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times while making phone calls, subjects used  are mostly circular, although they appear to be   Nine out of
          the speaker phone mode while holding the phone  slightly sticky as some cells overlap, and the
          in one or both hands. Following photographic  plasma is relatively clear.            ten test
          analysis of all blood testing, the Likert scale data     Figure 3 shows the blood from the same   subjects showed
          were analyzed to see which factors—diet, age,  female immediately after the carrying condition.   observable
          and personal cell phone habits—correlated with  The RBCs are entirely stuck together in rouleaux-
          any observed blood changes.               type aggregates, which look like rolls of coins.   blood changes
              The cell phone used for subject exposure     Figure 4 shows the blood from the same   due to cell
          was a particular model of a smart phone, and  female 45 minutes later after using the cell phone   phone radiation
          the same network carrier was used throughout  in active communication mode. The rouleaux
          the study. (Brand and model number of smart  have dissipated, although the RBCs are still ag-  exposure.
          phone and network provider used in the study  gregated. Most RBCs are misshapen rather than
          are deliberately withheld from this report.) Sub-  round. Many RBCs show spiky projections on
          jects remained in the laboratory throughout the  the surface, which are abnormal, spiculed RBCs
          experimental sessions. The exposure times and  called echinocytes. This  particular subject,
          phone call durations for subjects were timed and  seventy-five years old and the oldest person in the
          otherwise controlled such that the cell phone ra-  study, showed the most characteristic changes in
          diation exposure for each subject was the same as  the blood following both exposure conditions.
          possible for each condition. The ambient power     Most of the other subjects showed similar but
          level of radiowaves (including microwaves) in  less clear-cut effects. As another example, Figure
          the laboratory, as measured by a radio frequency
          meter, was typically -45dBm corresponding to
          a power density of 18 microWatts per square
          meter. No other devices were present that could
          be significant sources of microwaves.

              The baseline blood tests of all subjects re-
          vealed normal healthy blood in almost all cases
          as has been reported previously for those con-
          suming the WAPF-recommended diet.  Figure
          2 shows a photograph of normal healthy blood
          from a female subject, seventy-five years old, in
          baseline condition. The red blood cells (RBCs)
                                                                  Figure 3: Carrying condition of 75-year-old
                                                                  female subject showing all RBCs in rouleaux.

            Figure 2: Baseline condition showing normal,          Figure 4: Active use condition of same subject
            healthy blood from 75-year-old female subject.        showing most RBCs are misshapen.

 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           23

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