Page 25 - Winter2014
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given the potential twenty-to-thirty year latency placed under a microscope, photographed, scored No formal
period of cancer development, the effect of cell by a trained researcher using a Likert scale, and
phone radiation on cancer risk as well as the risk compared. These data were analyzed to discover studies
for other chronic health problems may not be which of various blood factors may have changed examining the
fully understood for many years to come. in relation to exposure condition, diet, subject blood of
Exposure to various electronic devices age, and personal history of cell phone use. Be-
including cell phones, cell phone towers, DECT cause the sample size (N=10 subjects) was very humans
(digitally enhanced cordless telecommunica- small, statistical tests were not done. exposed to
tions) and other cordless phones, and wireless cell phones
modems has been found to cause a variety of SUBJECTS
symptoms in some people, including headaches, Prospective subjects were recruited from have been
anxiety and irritability, restlessness, sleep the WAPF email list in the San Francisco Bay found in the
problems, difficulty in concentration, ringing Area. Responders completed a background medical
in the ears, heart palpitations and fatigue. This questionnaire to see whether they qualified.
is labeled Electro-Hypersensitivity Syndrome Qualified subjects were normal healthy adults literature to
(EHS). In 2011, WHO estimated that 3-6 percent with no chronic disorders or conditions and who date.
of the world population suffered from EHS. It is consumed the WAPF diet to varying degrees. No
possible that the percentage may grow as chronic prior use of a cell phone was required. Subjects
exposure to Wi-Fi continues. who fully participated consisted of two males
Most studies on cell phone radiation have and eight females ranging from twenty-seven
tested cell cultures and animals rather than hu- to seventy-five years of age, with a mean age
mans. No formal studies examining the blood of of 53.3 years. Their daily consumption of the
humans exposed to cell phones have been found WAPF diet ranged from 20 to 98 percent, with a
in the medical literature to date. A small num- range from two to twenty years on the diet, and
ber of studies on human lymphocytes showing an average of 6.1 years on the diet. Eight of the
changes in cell nuclei and impaired DNA repair ten subjects possessed a cell phone, of whom six
have been published. In the present study, we had a smart phone. The average number of years
investigated only short-term effects of cell phone that the subjects had used a cell phone was 10.8
radiation exposure on normal healthy persons. years. Cell phone use among them varied from
none whatsoever to twenty years of daily use,
RESEARCH QUESTIONS and with usage up to 3.5 hours per day. Subjects
1. Does the blood as observed under a dark- spent an average of 1.2 hours per day using a cell
field microscope change after human sub- phone. One subject claimed some sensitivity to
jects are exposed to a smart phone for a short electrosmog, although she had not been formally
time period? diagnosed with EHS and did not complain of any
2. Does eating a mostly WAPF-recommended symptoms during the trial.
diet help protect the blood from the effects Subjects completed a questionnaire about
of cell phone radiation? their health, diet and personal cell phone habits.
Written informed consent was given by those
RESEARCH DESIGN who participated in the study. Each subject re-
An exploratory pilot study with ten nor- ceived a modest fee for participating in a three-
mal healthy adult subjects who consumed the hour experimental session.
WAPF-recommended diet to varying degrees
was conducted to look for an effect. This study is METHODS AND PROCEDURES
an outcome type of design in which each subject Live blood analysis involves examination of
served as his or her own control. A technique a small droplet of fresh capillary blood typically
that has been called live blood analysis or whole taken from the fingertip. This is observed under
blood microscopy was used. Peripheral blood an optical microscope at magnifications from
samples taken from subjects before and after 600 to 1200x. A camera mounted on the micro-
different types of exposure to a cell phone were scope records digital photographs of the blood
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 21
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