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In a study     5 shows the blood from a male, age fifty-five, in  calized or not; see Figures 8 and 9. No difference

         exposing mice        baseline condition. The red blood cells (RBCs)  between fingertip and toe blood was observed.
                              are mostly round and separate, and the plasma
                                                                            Nine out of ten subjects showed observ-
        to cell phones,  is relatively clear.                            able blood changes due to cell phone radiation
        clumped RBCs              Figure 6 shows the blood from the same  exposure. One female subject, age fifty-three,
             were found       male subject immediately following the carry-  did not show a significant effect from exposure
                              ing condition. The red blood cells are observed  in the study. In general, a particular sequence
       after short-term  to be loosely aggregated. Some of the cells are  of blood changes was observed for cell phone
         exposure, and        no longer round but misshapen.             radiation exposure in which the subjects’ RBCs
                                  Figure 7 shows the blood from the same  first became sticky and aggregated, and upon
        abnormal RBC            male subject immediately following the active  further exposure, for most subjects, the cells
           shapes were  use condition. Every RBC appears to be mis-      became misshapen. We observed no distinct
         observed after       shapen. Many of the cells show spikes and are  change in other blood factors including platelet
       longer exposure        echinocytes.                               aggregation, fibrin, white blood cell morphology
                                  Because subjects were holding the phone  and white blood cell motility.

        times, which is  during the active use condition, their fingers re-
                similar to    ceived considerable microwave radiation doses.  DIET AND BLOOD CELL CHANGES

              the results     So we compared peripheral blood drawn from the     To address the question of whether a higher
                              fingertip as well as from the toe of one female  percentage of WAPF diet served to protect sub-
            observed in  subject, age fifty-five, in the active use condition  jects from blood changes, the Likert scale scores
               this study.    to determine whether the blood changes were lo-  of the blood factors were grouped together as
                                                                         follows. Baseline scores were subtracted from
                                                                         the carrying condition scores and also from the
                                                                         active use scores to yield net blood factor changes
                                                                         due to exposure. Then the net scores for rouleaux,
                                                                         other red blood cell aggregates, and protein link-
                                                                         age were summed and called “net RBC aggre-
                                                                         gates.” The scores for RBC membrane distortions
                                                                         and RBC echinocytes were also added together
                                                                         and called “net RBC shape changes.” Figures 10
                                                                         and 11, respectively, show the blood scores for
                                                                         the carrying condition and the active phone use
                                                                         condition for each of the ten subjects, arranged
                                                                         in order of percent WAPF diet. In either case,
                     Figure 5: Baseline condition of male, age 55,
                     showing normal, healthy blood.

                   Figure 6: Carrying condition of same male showing     Figure 7: Active use condition of same male
                   aggregated cells and a few misshapen RBCs.            subject showing all RBCs are misshapen.
         24                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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