Page 33 - Winter2014
P. 33
How Dangerous and Expensive
Became “Smart”
An Exposé of the “Smart Grid”
by Amy Worthington
lectric “smart” meters were installed in Cindy
deBac's Scottsdale, Arizona, neighborhood in
E2012. She recalls the day a new meter was mounted
on her home as a sort of digital Pearl Harbor attack. “I've
never been so sick in my life,” she says. “Nausea, a crush-
ing migraine headache, and painful heart palpitations laid
me low right away.”
Healthy and exuberant before the installation, deBac became unable to
sleep normally. She soon became exhausted and tearfully anxious as she
struggled with rashes and a chronically racing heart. For respite she spent
nights away in her car. One of her dogs died of cancer within six months
of the meter's installation and the other developed large tumors. Today
Cindy leads a global educational crusade to warn others about the myriad
devastating health effects that electromagnetic radiation can unleash.
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 29
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