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have proven disastrous.                   to headquarters for monitoring and billing. They   Neither the
              The American Academy of Environmental  allow water utility companies to monitor and
          Medicine (AAEM) has proposed a moratorium  control consumer usage closely.           federal
          on “smart” meters as an “issue of the highest     Because electricity is delivered most ef-  government
          importance.” This international association of  ficiently in an even, steady flow, “smart” grid   nor grid
          physicians and public health experts warns that it  enthusiasts aim to encourage residential cus-
          is unacceptable to implement radiation-emitting  tomers to use less electricity during daytime   profiteers have
          technology before serious medical and environ-  working hours and more during evenings and   undertaken a
          mental concerns have been properly addressed. 2  weekends. Eventually, customers may be charged   single public
              AMI is calibrated to expose all Americans  by time-of-use. “Smart” grid promoters claim
          to three new and powerful sources of microwave  that by 2030, the system will reduce nationwide   health study
          radiation: “smart” meters, “smart” appliances,  electricity usage by about four percent. 5   about the
          and a ubiquitous network of antennas on utility       But at what price? The cost of the “smart”   long-term
          poles and cell towers in urban and rural neigh-  meter program is breathtaking. By some esti-
          borhoods. Neither the federal government nor   mates, utility consumers will pay at least two   health
          grid profiteers have undertaken a single public   hundred twenty-five billion dollars to blanket   effects of
          health study about the long-term health effects   the nation with AMI meters. A “smart” electric   exposure to
          of exposure to electromagnetic radition (EMR)   meter can cost hundreds of dollars per household.
          from “smart” meters. Yet medical literature is   The attorney general of Massachusetts projected   EMR from
          now loaded with peer-reviewed studies about   the cost of each meter in that state at almost   "smart" meters.
          the non-thermal biological effects of exposure to   three thousand dollars.  Some AMI equipment
          EMR. Peer-reviewed studies report DNA dam-  manufacturers suggest that meters may need to
          age, abnormal genetic and hormonal changes,   be replaced as often as every three years to keep
          sperm damage, pregnancy complications, weak-  up with technical innovations.  This would force
          ening of the blood-brain barrier, disturbance of   consumers to continually pay for new hardware
          voltage-gated calcium channels (for example, in   that they are coerced to accept. Critics say that
          the heart), degradation of immunity, and certain   when time-of-use pricing goes into effect, util-
          types of cancers. 3                       ity bills could become insurmountable for many
              Especially worrisome, says AAEM, is  customers (unless they learn to direct their peak
          mounting evidence that inescapable electro-  energy usage to the middle of the night).
          magnetic fields exposure from smart meters
          places children at particular risk for altered  CANARIES ON THE WEST COAST
          brain development and for impaired learning     Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) of Califor-
          and behavior. These concerns are corroborated  nia was among the first U.S. utilities to deploy
          by the blockbuster BioInitiative Report 2012.  AMI meters. Its 2010-2012 “smart” meter rollout
          Produced by twenty-nine medical and public  caused a state-wide furor. Some older “smart”
          health experts from ten countries, the BioInitia-  meter systems (AMR) send their data through
          tive Report offers a meta-analysis of over eigh-  existing utility lines. A few newer AMI systems
          teen hundred new scientific studies showing that  communicate through fiber optics. But like many
          chronic exposure to both ELF and microwaves  other utility companies, PG&E has deployed
          poses a serious health hazard. At highest risk are  a mesh networking system, which broadcasts
          the most vulnerable of our population: children,  pulsed radio frequency signals (microwaves)
          pregnant mothers, the elderly and the immune-  into homes and across outdoor spaces. PG&E’s
          compromised. 4                            “smart” grid emits EMR from the meters and
              Health ramifications aside, AMI technology  from a state-wide support network including:
          is good for the corporate bottom line. “Smart”
          meters eliminate the need for human meter read-  •   Thousands of new utility antenna commu-
                                                        nications towers and relay/repeater poles;
          ers. They allow utilities to turn services on and
          off remotely. The meters identify consumption   •   Thousands of new mobile data base sta-
          of a product and automatically send those data   tions with fixed and mobile radios for utility
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