Page 36 - Winter2014
P. 36

There are at          workers;                               cancer clusters among people living near cell

          least a dozen       •   Thousands of crossband repeater stations,   towers or in buildings directly under them. 9
                                                                            The “smart” grid network inflicts an incal-

               published          each  broadcasting radiation in  the  900   culable increase in hazardous EMR at a time
                   studies        megahertz range;                       when the International Agency for Research on
          reporting that      •   Thousands of broadband access points emit-  Cancer (IARC) has designated all RF/microwave
                                                                         electromagnetic frequencies as a Group 2B car-
            populations           ting the license-exempt Wi-Fi frequency   cinogen (possibly cancer-causing). 10
                                  bands of 2.45, 3.65, and 5.8 gigahertz;
            living within
             500 meters       •   Thousands of point-to-point microwave  CANARY SICKNESS AND
                                  links providing backhaul for the system;
                                                                         MEDIA FALLOUT
               of cellular                                                   A group of concerned medical doctors in
             microwave        •   Thousands of integrated service routers   Eugene, Oregon, reports: “PG&E’s approach
                                  handling security and network management
        antennas suffer           through wireless signals. 8            to the AMI rollout didn’t involve a lot of public
                                                                         education. They just switched out the meters.
            high rates of                                                And some people found that they were having
                                  The new smart grid signal infrastructure
        adverse health          is a duplication of the massive cellular commu-  trouble sleeping, or experiencing headaches,
                  effects.    nications build-out which, over the last thirty   ringing in the ears, vertigo or other symptoms
                                                                         that hadn’t been bothering them before. Soon
                              years, has spawned over three hundred thousand   the Internet was awash with anecdotal reports
                              microwave towers and rooftop antenna arrays   and commentary about these adverse effects. . .
                              from coast to coast. There are at least a dozen   Finally PG&E was served with a court order to
                              published epidemiological studies reporting that   provide clearer documentation of what the meters
                              populations living within five hundred meters of   were actually doing. In response to that court
                              cellular microwave antennas suffer high rates   order, PG&E provided documentation from the
                              of adverse health effects including headaches,   manufacturer of the meters that the average meter
                              skin rashes, vision/hearing problems, dizziness,   in the mesh network transmitted data signals to
                              sleep disturbances, hormonal abnormalities and   the utility six times a day, network management
                              chronic fatigue. There are also many reports of   signals fifteen times a day, timing signals three

                                                      Left: An EMR-emitting device attached to a telephone pole.

                                                      Above: A cell tower.

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