Page 30 - Winter2014
P. 30
It would be term exposure, and abnormal RBC shapes were studies in which blood taken from the body was
important to observed over longer exposure times, which is directly exposed to microwaves.
similar to the results observed in this study.
The observation that peripheral blood
explore whether It is possible that the changes in RBC shape taken from a finger and toe of the same subject
symptoms such that we observed may be related to functional showed the same blood changes in response to
as fatigue changes in cell membrane permeability. Other cell phone radiation exposure suggests that the
blood changes we observed are systemic. This
studies have reported changes in RBC mem-
and poor branes following exposure to microwaves, too. deserves further study to investigate whether the
concentration Low-power microwave radiation increased observed blood changes are consistent through-
may result membrane permeability and destabilized the out the human body.
cell membrane in rabbit RBCs, and also caused
The blood effects observed in this study
from the the shedding of particular membrane proteins. could not conclusively be correlated with the
blood changes Similar effects showing changes in membrane percentage WAPF diet that subjects consumed.
that we permeability have been reported for human Thus, it appears that the WAPF diet did not have
RBCs. Some, but not all, studies show a loss a substantial protective effect. However, the per-
observed in of hemoglobin from RBCs irradiated with cell centage WAPF diet was self-reported by subjects
this study. phone frequency microwaves, indicating greater and is somewhat unreliable. This study was an
membrane fragility. However, these are in vitro initial small exploratory study and did not com-
pare the WAPF diet to other diets in a controlled
trial. Thus, we cannot draw firm conclusions on
the role of diet.
We did not investigate how long these blood
changes last after the cell phone radiation ex-
posure period ends. However, because subjects
refrained from using a cell phone for four hours
prior to the study, we can surmise that the blood
recovers within four hours. The onset, revers-
ibility, recovery time, and chronicity of these
blood changes need further investigation.
It is probable that the blood changes we
observed would affect blood circulation. RBC
aggregation has been widely studied and its
importance is well-established in the microcircu-
Figure 10. Net blood factor scores for the phone lation. RBCs that are stuck together in rouleaux
carrying condition show no clear relation to % WAPF diet. or other aggregates increase the blood viscosity,
and this affects the passage of RBC through the
microvessels throughout the body. RBC shape
and deformability are also relevant to blood flow.
The typical round disk shape of normal RBCs is
considered optimum for blood flow. The shape
of the echinocytes might impair blood flow and
oxygen release from echinocytes is known to
be impaired. It would be important to explore
whether symptoms such as fatigue and poor con-
centration, characteristic of EHS, may possibly
result from the blood changes that we observed
in this study.
It is not known whether repeated or chronic
Figure 11. Net blood factor scores for the active use exposure to cell phone radiation produces similar
condition show no clear relation to % WAPF diet. effects on the blood as observed in this study.
26 Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions
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