Page 26 - Winter2014
P. 26

Each subject       samples. This technique provides information on  blood from a person consuming the WAPF diet

               was given      the ecology of the blood, sometimes referred to  is shown in Figure 1. This photograph shows
                              as the “biological terrain.” Live blood analysis  the blood immediately after it is drawn. Round
            three blood  has traditionally been used in clinical medicine to  RBCs appear uniform in size, separated from one
                      tests   look for the presence of certain parasites includ-  another, and with no debris in the blood plasma.
              associated      ing the malaria organism and the spiral-shaped     Subjects fasted for at least five hours and
                              bacteria that causes Lyme disease. It is a research  refrained from exposure to cell phones for four
              with three  tool sometimes also used in holistic health as-  hours prior to individual appointments in the
           different cell     sessment. The size, shape, variability, and cel-  study. During their three-hour experimental
                   phone      lular integrity of the red blood cells (RBCs) can  session, subjects were allowed to drink only
                                                                         water. Each subject was given three blood tests
                              readily be seen, as well as any stickiness and ag-
                exposure  gregation of the RBCs. The presence and relative  associated with three different exposure condi-
             conditions.      number of white blood cells and their subtypes  tions as described below. Each blood sample was
                              are noted, along with the motility (movement)  evaluated and scored for different blood factors.
                              of these cells. The blood plasma is checked for  These factors include the shape of red blood cells
                              platelet aggregates, the formation of fibrin, the  and membrane distortion; state of aggregation
                              presence of microbial and parasitic forms, as well  of the red blood cells, including clumping, rou-
                              as particulates including cholesterol, crystals,  leaux formation (cells stuck together in rolls) and
                              and various contaminants.                 stickiness; white blood cell shape and motility;
                                  This study utilized a custom-built, dark-field  and the degree of early clotting factors includ-
                              microscope attached to a digital video camera  ing platelet aggregates and presence of fibrin. A
                              system with zoom lens linked to a computer  Likert scale from 0 to 6 was used to score the
                              monitor. Software was used to capture and store  blood factors, in which 0 indicates an absence
                              microphotographs for subsequent analysis.  of the blood factor, and larger numbers indicate
                              The blood specimen was lit by means of light  greater levels of the blood factors observed in
                              delivered through fiber optics attached to the  the blood samples. This method has been previ-
                              microscope condenser to prevent sample heat-  ously described in detail in other studies on diet
                              ing. A sterile lancet was used to collect a droplet  reported in this journal.
                              of peripheral blood from the fingertip, which     Three blood tests were performed on each
                              was immediately placed on a glass microscope  subject as follows: (1) initially, prior to cell phone
                              slide and covered with a glass cover slip. Oil  exposure (baseline condition); (2) following
                              immersion lenses at the microscope objective  exposure to a smart phone in receiving mode
                              and dark-field condenser were used for image  placed in a backpack worn by the subject for 45
                              optimization.                             minutes (carrying condition); and (3) following
                                  A microphotograph of normal healthy  active use of the cell phone for 45 minutes (active
                                                                        use condition). These are the two conditions in
                                                                        which most people use a cell phone. Cell phones
                                                                        can also be put in “airplane mode,” in the sense
                                                                        that the user cannot make a call or access the
                                                                        web. However, the phone is still in communica-
                                                                        tion with the nearest cell phone tower.
                                                                            Ten or more typical blood microphotographs
                                                                         were made for each of the three exposure con-
                                                                         ditions. During the active use condition, the
                                                                         subjects continually used the cell phone’s com-
                                                                         munication functions to access the Internet and
                                                                         to make phone calls. Also in the active use con-
                                                                         dition, subjects placed the cell phone near their
                        Figure 1: Healthy blood showing round,          heads at least twice for approximately five min-
                        separate RBCs and clean blood plasma.            utes each time during phone calls. During other
         22                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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