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14.  “Smart Meters are Not an Environmentally Sustainable Option,” This   30.  A good site for exploring the nuisance of an oppressive
            information on documented blood damage from microwave exposure is presented by Dr.   environmental hum heard by many across the nation is
            Frank Springob of Port Angeles, Washington, and discussed in the documentary film “Take   Sandaura’s Blog at This blog
            Back Your Power.”                                               features testimonies from people who can hear various
         15.  Dr. Klinghardt makes this statement in the documentary film “Take Back Your Power.”  radio frequency hums, standing waves, and droning sounds
         16.  Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters, Sage   believed by many observers to be emanating from many
            Associates, Santa Barbara, California, January 2011.            smart grid networks.
         17.  “Smart Meters Violate FCC Radiation Exposure Limits Says New Study,” Stopsmartmeters.  31.  How Smart Meters Can Cause Autism and Cancer, Dr. An-
            org. 2012.                                                      drew Goldsworthy, MCSA News, Volume 6, Issue 8, 2011.
         18.  Tantalus News press release, December 19, 2013: Inland Power and Light Turns to Tantalus   32.  Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (Effects)
            and Itron for Smart Grid Communications Network.                and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and
         19.  “Hackers Use Refrigerators and TVs to Launch Cyber Attack,” Electronic,   Radio Frequency Radiation, Zorach R. Glasser, Naval
            January 17, 2014.                                               Medical Institute, National Naval Medical Center, October
         20.  EMF Safety Network, See: Smart Meters at  1971, AD 750271.
         21.  “Now Radio Waves coming from your Faucet?” Texans United Against Smart Meters,   33.  312 References on Electrosmog, Fertility and Reproduction
            January 2, 2013.                                                published by EMF This is a comprehensive
         22.  Initial comments submitted January 17, 2014 on behalf of Northeast Utilities in response   bibliography of scientific studies showing deleterious ef-
            to smart meter proposal issued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities of   fects of electromagnetic fields on fertility and reproduction,
            December 2013, DPU 12-76-A.                                     last updated June 2012.
         23.  Energy Now News,, August 15, 2011. This is a transcript of the video:   34.  “Findings in Autism (ASD) Consistent with Electro-
            “The Mix: Cyber-terrorism’s Threat.”                            magnetic Fields (EMF) and Radiofrequency Radiation
         24.  “A Hacker’s Dream: Smart Meters have Security Holes,” Associated Press, March 28, 2010.  (RFR),” Martha Herbert, Ph.D., M.D., Pediatric Neurology
         25.  Energy Now News,, August 15, 2011. This is a transcript of the video:   TRANSCEND Research Program Massachusetts General
            “The Mix: Cyber-terrorism’s Threat.”                            Hospital and Harvard Medical School. This paper was pre-
         26.  “Connecting Dots: US Patent Office Admits Energy Suppression,” Josh del Sol, thebigpitcher.  pared for the BioInitiative Working Group December 2012.
            org, September 2012.                                         35.  Initial comments submitted January 17, 2014 on behalf of
         27.  Ibid.                                                         Northeast Utilities in response to smart meter proposal is-
         28.  “Smart Meter Interference,” Martine Victor, The Manchester Journal, March 14, 2013.  sued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities
         29.  “Why Smart Meters Might be a Dumb Idea,” W. Kelly, Consumer’s Digest, January 2011.  of December 2013, DPU 12-76-A.

                                           ON HOW TO REFUSE A “SMART” METER
               Jerry Day posts the following letter on for anyone who chooses to refuse installation of a “smart” meter
            on their residence or property. He suggests that you consult your attorney to tailor the letter to your specifications, then
            send your revised version to your utility company’s CEO or president by certified mail.
               Keep copies of your letter and your certified mail receipt.
               If anyone attempts to install a transmitting meter on your residence, show them the copy of your letter and proof
            of its delivery (your certified mail receipt). Tell them that installing a transmitting meter on your residence will thereby
            be a criminal trespass. If they attempt this, you will call the police, request that the installer be taken into custody, and
            file a criminal complaint with the police.
               If the company responds to your letter in writing, Jerry Day suggests that you write back. Remind them that they
            have not proven that they may lawfully install any radiation-emitting surveillance device on your residence.

                                                      MODEL LETTER

            Your Name/Energy Customer’s Name
            Street Address
            City, State Zip Code

            Name of Utility’s CEO, President, General Manager or Board Chair
            Utility Company
            Street Address
            City,  State Zip  Code                                                  Date

                                         NOTICE OF LIABILITY. ADHESION CONTRACT.

            Dear (CEO’s Name) and All Agents, Officers, Employees, Contractors and Interested Parties:

               In regard to your possible intention to install a “smart” or other digital utility meter at the above address, those
            meters violate the law. They cause endangerment to people in their vicinity due to the following factors:

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