Page 49 - Winter2014
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Unfortunately, a growing population is  are 100 percent protected by a simple device,   Unfortunately,
          experiencing a range of subtle to serious symp-  which couldn’t be further from the truth. The   a growing
          toms, which they attribute to EMR, often termed  best policy is still simply “prudent avoidance,”
          "electrical sensitivity." These reported symptoms  particularly during sleeping hours, the body’s   population is
          include headaches, nausea, exhaustion, "burn-  most sensitive regenerative time. If your bed-  experiencing a
          ing" skin, dizziness, inability to concentrate,  room is largely free of manmade EMR (as well   range of subtle
          agitation, heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia,  as of mold and chemicals), your body will get a
          tinnitus, chronic fatigue, joint pain, swelling of  break at night, and will be better able to detox   to serious
          face and neck, eye problems, and rashes. In my  and regenerate. A healthy bedroom is essential,   symptoms,
          work as a healthy building and interiors consul-  so that during the day when you may have less   which they
          tant, many of my clients are reporting just such  control over your environment, you are better
          symptoms.                                 able to deal with daytime exposures.       attribute
              While it may be difficult to pinpoint the      It’s important to remember that although   to EMR,
          exact cause of such symptoms, it’s important to  you may not be able to control or protect yourself   often termed
          take seriously the possible connection to EMR.  from all EMF radiation, there are, in fact, many
          Use of wireless technologies is increasing at  simple steps you can take to limit your exposure.  “electrical
          warp speed with insufficient or no premarket                                         sensitivity.”
          assessment to determine the health risks. There  CELL PHONES and SMART PHONES
          have been too few independent large-scale,     Except for emergencies, children and preg-
          non- industry funded studies on people exposed  nant women should avoid using cell phones. The
          to EMR. That is why professionals working on  same holds true for those who are electrically,
          public policy change, such as Dr. Magda Havas 2   chemically or mold sensitive, recovering or in
          and Elizabeth Kelley,  are seeking a federally  remission from a serious illness such as cancer.
          sponsored, sustained, and independent research  Cell phone exposure is also like second hand
          program, with stakeholders to include concerned  smoke—everyone within a twenty-foot radius of
          scientists and public advocates to oversee such a  your cell phone in talk/text mode, and a ten-to-
          research program.                         fifteen foot radius  in smart phone standby mode
              There is, however, a growing and substantial  is exposed to very high levels of EMR (including
          body of scientific evidence and research by inde-  babies and children). Ideally, everyone's health
          pendent, international scientists that associates  would benefit from as little cell phone use as
          EMR with serious health effects, much of which  possible.
          was compiled by the BioInitiative Report work-     Here are some steps you can take to measur-
          ing group, in their “meta study” called Bioinitia-  ably reduce your exposure, your children’s and
          tive Report 2012. The research to date strongly  others around you:
          supports the need for non-industry-funded,
          full-scale studies and resulting health standards  •   Use an old-fashioned cell phone, called a "ba-
          for EMR from cell phones, cell antennas, Wi-Fi,   sic phone”. Basic phones are often referred to
          and cordless phones.                          as “flip phones.” A basic phone has a simple
              In the meantime, a precautionary approach   numerical keypad, and cannot accommo-
          is highly recommended, using the strictest stan-  date any applications such as Facebook and
          dards available as determined by the German   Skype. Basic phones still have their dangers,
          field of Baubiologie. If you are EMR-sensitive,   but in standby mode they emit substantially
          pregnant or have children, reducing exposure to   less radio frequency (RF) EMR than smart
          you and your family is essential for short and   phones. Remember that EMR levels are high
          long-term health.                             when you are talking on a basic phone, but in
              There are no magic bullets for complete   standby mode the levels are very low, unlike
          protection, despite all the marketing claims by   smart phones, which remain at high levels
          manufacturers selling devices said to mitigate   all the time.
          or block EMR. These marketing messages  •     During sleeping hours, and as often as pos-
          greatly mislead the public into believing they   sible during the day, put your smart phone
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           45

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