Page 51 - Winter2014
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phone does not have to use as much power   wired phones. If you must talk on a cordless   For best
              to keep a steady signal. If there is no built-in   phone, purchase a 900-megahertz model and
              antenna on the outside of the car, EMR may   limit your conversations.           protection,
              be substantially higher inside the car, in both                                  especially if
              standby and talking mode, than when you’re  BABY MONITORS                        you are EMR
              talking outside of a car.             •   Eliminate baby monitors labeled DECT or
                                                        Gigahertz. If you must use a wireless baby   sensitive,
          CELL TOWERS, CELLULAR ANTENNA                 monitor, purchase a 900-megahertz model.   eliminate
          BASE STATIONS AND                             But even older style 900-megahertz models   wireless and
          OTHER WIRELESS FACILITIES                     emit some radio frequency EMR. The safest
          •   If possible, and in general, choose to live   solution for your baby is to avoid all wire-  instead, hard
              at least a quarter mile from a cell tower or   less monitors. Instead, find an old-fashioned   wire your
              antenna. Depending on your sensitivity, you   wired type on Ebay or at a garage sale, or   computer
              may need a distance of one mile or more. To   wire up a webcam to a computer that is on
              locate the closest cell towers and antennas   a wired, Ethernet (not wireless) connection.   connections
              near you, go to Check   Before the invention of baby monitors, par-  with
              this web site periodically for new towers be-  ents stayed within close hearing range of   Ethernet
              ing built. Putting enough distance between   sleeping babies.
              your home and a cell tower or antenna will                                       cable.
              be more difficult in a city, but do your best  IPADS AND OTHER TABLETS
              to put yourself at least a quarter mile away.     IPads and other tablets are like smart
          •   If you are highly EMR-sensitive or have no  phones—they are always emitting EMR and the
              option but to live very close to cell antennas,  extensive radius of high levels of EMR exposes
              consult with a qualified EMR consultant on  children and adults around you.
              possible shielding. In some situations, cov-     If you do use an iPad or other tablet device,
              ering your windows with special shielding  here are steps you can take to reduce exposure:
              fabric or films may be adequate, depending
              on your sensitivity level, as well as proxim-  •   Turn off tablets during sleeping hours.
              ity and directionality of the cell antenna.  •   Keep the tablet off or in airplane mode until
              (See for shielding fabrics and   you need to use it. Otherwise, like smart
              window film options, but keep in mind, DYI   phones, all tablets in standby mode emit very
              solutions without professional pre- and post-   high levels of EMR within a radius of ten to
              testing may not result in enough measureable   fifteen feet.
              exposure reduction.) Unfortunately, in many  •   Turn off your tablet while at home, and use
              cases, it is quite difficult to shield adequately   your Ethernet wired computer instead. If you
              or affordably.                            must use your tablet at home, limit use and
                                                        turn it off when you’re not using it.
          CORDLESS PHONES AND LANDLINES             •   When using a tablet while you’re away from
          •   Don’t get rid of your landline! The best pro-  home, purchase a monthly cell connection so
              tection from RF EMR from cell phones is   you don’t need Wi-Fi to use it. This way, you
              to forward your cell phone to your landline,   can use a “basic phone” instead of a smart
              turn off your cell, and talk on corded phones   phone, which eliminates the high levels of
              while at home.                            smart phone EMR in standby mode while
          •   Do not install or use cordless phones that   you’re waiting to receive calls. And you can
              are labeled as “DECT” or “Gigahertz.” Like   still get Internet access, email and even text
              smart phones, these put out a digital pulsed   with your tablet. But remember, keep the
              microwave frequency, and they emit and pol-  tablet off or in airplane mode when you’re
              lute your home continuously whether you’re   not using it.
              talking or not. They should be completely
              removed from the home. The safest option is
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           47

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