Page 52 - Winter2014
P. 52
When WI-FI unanticipated unsafe consequences.
taking steps to • For best protection, especially if you are
EMR-sensitive, eliminate Wi-Fi completely, CLEANING UP OTHER TYPES OF EMR
reduce EMR and instead, hardwire your computer con- This article focuses primarily on wireless
exposure, nections with Ethernet cable. The types sources of radio frequency EMR. But there
clean up the called Cat 5 and Cat 6 are best because they are several other types of EMR to reduce or
are shielded.
eliminate, including dirty electricity from smart
bedroom first. • Disconnect your wireless router during meters and fluorescent lighting, AC magnetic and
sleeping hours or put it on a timer. AC electric fields from power lines, household
• Unfortunately, unless you convert over to wiring, appliances, and office equipment, and
wired Ethernet connections in your home, even DC magnetic fields from inner springs
you cannot avoid exposure to high levels inside of mattresses. Not everyone is highly
of radio frequency EMFs from Wi-Fi, any- sensitive to these types of EMR, but if you are
where in the home you can connect to the sensitive, or you simply want to reduce your own
Internet. However, in general, for the aver- and your family’s exposure to safe levels, here
age person who is not electrically sensitive, are some general, simple steps to follow. (Note: If
if the signal on your computer is too weak you own a gauss meter, remember that only some
to connect at all to the Internet then the professional quality digital meters are designed
Wi-Fi levels may be low enough to be safe, to measure both AC magnetic and AC electric
according to Baubiologie recommendations. fields. Otherwise, a gauss meter can only be used
However, for the electrically sensitive, even to measure AC magnetic fields, and no other
very low levels of Wi-Fi may cause electrical types of EMR including RF, no matter what the
sensitivity symptoms. manufacturer claims. Becoming proficient and
• Make sure the router is placed as far from accurate at testing EMR of all types requires
your body as possible in your home or office much training, experience and professional qual-
(at least six to ten feet), including your desk, ity testing equipment.)
or anywhere else in the home or office that
you or your family spend time. SMART METERS
• If you use your laptop or desktop computer • Smart meters emit EMR and should be
on Wi-Fi, not only is the router a radiating avoided if possible. If your home or building
source but so is your computer. This is why still has the old-style analog electrical, gas
it is essential that you turn off the router or water meter, take proactive steps to opt
and your computer completely during sleep out of eventual smart meter installations by
hours. your local utility. In some locales, it may be
• For the highly EMR-sensitive, using a laptop possible to get the local utility to remove
on battery with Wi-Fi turned off may be the smart meter and replace with it with an
better tolerated. analog meter. Go to http://stopsmartmeters.
• If you are highly EMR-sensitive and/or you org and contact the smart meter activist
live in a condo, townhouse or apartment with group nearest to you for instructions and
connecting walls to other units, it is quite resources. Those who opt out for an analog
difficult to shield adequately and/or afford- meter will pay a monthly fee that is added
ably. Our team has worked with clients on ef- to their electric, gas or water bill. But is
fective shielding, but if it’s feasible, it is gen- preferable to the potential for high exposure
erally expensive to implement successfully. to EMR. Some people have found that when
Do-it-yourself shielding on walls, ceilings they switch back to an analog meter, their
and floors should be done with great caution, monthly bills decreased, which made up for
because without expert remediation design the added monthly fee.
guidance as well as pre- and post- testing by • Although it is not yet possible to shield a
an EMR professional, it’s possible to create home interior from smart meter emissions
“reflection” inside a shielded room, and other completely, special filters can be installed,
48 Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions
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