Page 90 - Winter2014
P. 90

Tim's DVD Reviews

                              Homegrown Revolution                       be due to increased vaccines, mercury exposure
                              Produced and directed by Jules Dervaes     and GMOs.
                              YouTube:             An interview with a woman with a PhD
                              watch?v=7IbODJiEM5A                        details from personal experience what one will
                                                                         go through if your child is damaged by a vaccine.
                                  Ex-hippie Jules Dervaes demonstrates how  The government has officially recognized that
                              to get mostly off the grid on a small city lot in  can happen and has set up a compensation fund
                              this short YouTube video. This is a one-fifth-acre  for such cases. If you are willing to go through
                              lot which is half covered with house, garage,  all four corners of hell, it might work for you.
                              and concrete. So he has one-tenth of an acre for  Lucky for her, she and her husband make a lot
                              growing things.                            of money and were able to obtain good lawyers.
                                  Living in southern California has its pros  Without a lot of money and lawyers, you will get
                              and cons. You get plenty of sun for solar power,  nothing from the compensation fund.
                              and winter is very mild, but you don’t get a lot     Several specific cases are detailed to give
                              of rain. Besides vegetables and plant food, he  the viewer some idea of the scope of what is hap-
                              and his children raise a few ducks, chickens and  pening. GlaxoSmithKline was busted in court for
                              goats for eggs and milk. They also produce some  failing to report adverse safety data concerning
                              biodiesel fuel. Extra produce is sold to a local  a diabetes drug. They sold other drugs for un-
                              restaurant. They produce around six thousand  approved purposes and were guilty of improper
                              pounds of fruits and vegetables per year. That  marketing.
                              covers an estimated 80-90 percent of their diet     Allen Jones of the Pennsylvania Office of
                              in the summer and over 50 percent in the winter.  Inspector General faced down serious threats to
                              Their diet is mostly vegetarian but not vegan.  blow the whistle on Johnson & Johnson and their
                                  Jules’ motivation is to break free from  Risperdal fraud. The company ended up paying
                              corporate control and abuse. His strategy is to  over two billion dollars in fines and settlement.
                              stop feeding the beast and be as self-reliant as  They made over forty billion dollars on the drug,
                              possible. If everybody got as much out of their  so in the eyes of a greedy corporation, it was
                              property as he does, the corporations would be  worth it.
                        An    in trouble. The thumb is UP.                  Merck has been found guilty of falsifying
               interview                                                 mumps vaccine test data. Their drug Gardasil
                   with a     Bought                                     has never been proven to prevent cancer.

                                                                            The list of pharmaceutical violations goes
           woman with         Jeff Hays, Bobby Sheehan                   on for much of the video. In the case of vaccines,
          a PhD details       Working Pictures                           even if they have been subjected to valid tests in-
                                                                         dividually, the entire vaccine schedule combined
         from personal            A series of interviews with doctors, PhDs,  has not. Government regulation and oversight is
             experience       government inspectors and other experts paints  weak at best. The CDC is riddled with conflict of
          what one will       a clear picture of corporate corruption, especially  interest. We have the best government corporate

           go through if      in the pharmaceutical industry. First we see Dr.  money can buy.
                              Toni Bark, MD, talk about her observation of
                                                                            A familiar face shows up in one interview.
            your child is     increased childhood chronic diseases like cancer,  Dr. Stephanie Seneff explains how at about the
         damaged by a         diabetes and autism. She remembers a time when  same time they started to remove mercury from
                 vaccine.     these serious illnesses were unheard of or at least  vaccines, they added aluminum which can be just
                              very rare in children. She asks whether this might  as bad. Any claims that removal of mercury has
         86                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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