Page 92 - Winter2014
P. 92

Legislative Updates

                                             By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                                  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration  WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE PRODUCE RULE?
                              (FDA) has just wrapped up its second public     The Produce Rule is FDA’s venture into an
                              comment period on proposed regulations to  unfamiliar world for the agency: the world of
                              implement the Food Safety Modernization Act  growing crops in soil and open air, rather than
                              (FSMA). The issue of FSMA has been covered  labs and test tubes. The agency’s proposed rule
                              many times in Wise Traditions and WAPF ac-  would regulate almost every aspect of grow-
                              tion alerts, starting back in 2010 when the bill  ing crops, including equipment, worker train-
                              was debated in Congress and during the intense  ing, water for irrigation and washing produce,
                              fight for the Tester-Hagan amendment to protect  manure and compost use, grazing livestock or
                              small-scale, direct-marketing producers.   using working animals in produce fields, record
                                  As with the majority of modern laws, the  keeping and more. Who will be subject to this
                              fights didn’t end when the bill was passed;  rule?
                              rather, they just got more complicated as the     The Produce Rule applies if:
                              administrative agency (in this case, FDA) went
                              into rulemaking mode. Over the last two years of  1.  You harvest, pack, or hold fruits, vegetables,
                              the rulemaking process, we have delved deeply   nuts, mushrooms, or sprouts for sale (the
                              into esoteric details and urged WAPF members   rule does not apply to people raising food
                              to take action multiple times.                for themselves or that is not for sale), and
              Judith McGeary      Before we wade into the latest round of  2.  Any of the produce that you grow and sell
           is the Austin, Texas                                             is usually consumed raw (produce such
            chapter leader, an   painful details in the second half of this article,
                 attorney and   though, let’s step back just a little to understand   as artichokes, asparagus, lentils, potatoes,
               small farmer in   the effects of FSMA on farmers and food produc-  sweet corn, turnips, and winter squash are
               Austin, and the   ers. While FSMA has many pieces, the bulk of   not covered).
          executive director of   the attention is on two major rules: Standards for
          the Farm and Ranch   the Growing, Harvesting, Packing and Holding     If you meet both conditions, then you fall
            Freedom Alliance.   of Produce for Human Consumption (the Produce  within the scope of the Produce Rule. The next
             She has a B.S. in   Rule) and Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Pre-  question is whether you are exempt, either en-
                 biology from
           Stanford University   ventive Controls for Human Food (the HARPC  tirely or partially.
           and a J.D. from the   rule).                                     If you sell less than twenty-five thousand
           University of Texas      Please note that this article is based on the  dollars worth of produce on an annual basis, you
            at Austin. She and   rules as currently proposed. There are certain  are completely exempt. There is also a “qualified
                 her husband   to be at least some changes when FDA issues  exemption” under the Tester-Hagan amendment
                  run a small   the final rules, which may affect the scope and  that requires two conditions 1) you sell less than
             grass-based farm   applicability of the rules. In addition, this article  five hundred thousand dollars annually in sales
            with sheep, cattle,   is not legal advice. Every farm and food business  of all food, and 2) you sell more than half of that
           horses, and poultry.   is different, and your obligations under FSMA  directly to either (a) individual consumers or (b)
                    For more
             information go to   will depend on the specifics of your operation,  retailers and restaurants that are either in-state
          www.farmandranch-   as well as the requirements contained in the final  or within two hundred seventy-five miles of your
      or   rule.                                    farm. If you meet both conditions, you have a
           call (254) 697-2661.                                          qualified exemption.
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