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The most           The main exemption to the HARPC rule   2.  Either  provide  documentation  that  they

                  general     comes from the Tester-Hagan amendment. As     comply with state and/or local food safety
                              with the Produce Rule, producers who gross less
                                                                            laws or create a simplified HARPC plan;
                 concern      than five hundred thousand dollars annually and   3.  Have a label on the food or a sign at the point
            comes from        sell more than half directly to consumers or to   of sale with your name and the complete ad-
               the risk of    local retailers or restaurants, have a “qualified   dress of the farm. As with the Tester-Hagan
                                                                            exemption for the Produce Rule, the FDA
                              exemption.” The Tester-Hagan amendment also
                 arbitrary    directed FDA to define “very small businesses”   can revoke the exemption on a qualified
              and unfair      that would have this same qualified exemption.   facility on a case-by-case basis.
          enforcement.        To be honest, little attention was paid to this
                              provision because many of us assumed that FDA  THE SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES
                              would set the bar so low that this additional ex-  WITH THE PROPOSED RULES
                              emption would be of little use. However, when     For those farmers and food producers who
                              the FDA issued its first set of proposed rules, it  will be subject to new requirements under one
                              specifically requested comments as to what the  or both of these rules, what are the concerns?
                              cutoff should be. WAPF urged a one million     The most general concern comes from the
                              dollars gross annual sales test, and the FDA has  risk of arbitrary and unfair enforcement. It is
                              accepted that recommendation! Thus, anyone  almost certain that FDA will not receive enough
                              who sells less than one millon dollars annually  funding to fully implement all the inspections
                              of human food—whether or not those are through  and actions called for under FSMA. While a
                              direct sales—will have a qualified exemption to  rational assessment of the risk would dictate
                              the HARPC rule if the FDA stays with its current  that the agency focus its limited resources on
                              proposal.                                  the large, high-risk operations that dominate the
                                  Facilities with qualified exemptions must:  conventional food market, FDA’s track record
                                                                         indicates that the agency is all too likely to target
                              1.  Provide documentation showing that they  operations that are raising or processing food
                                  fall within the exemption;             using non-conventional methods. The exten-

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         90                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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