Page 31 - Winter2020
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pathogens in the gut. CD may also be a source December of 2017, there were 3,216 cases where Clearly, the
of chloride to help the stomach maintain an acid gynecomastia was reported; 450 cases reporting hype in
pH. The parietal cells in the stomach release weight gain; 75 cases of galactorrhoea (exces-
hydrochloric acid through chloride channels to sive or inappropriate production of milk); 69 the media
maintain acidity. Insufficient stomach acid re- attempted suicides, of which 29 were successful; arguing
sults in impaired ability to metabolize proteins, 37 cases with fatigue; 20 involving cardiac or against
leading to autoimmune disease. respiratory arrest; 20 reporting tachycardia; 19
cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (a life- chlorine
CHLORINE DIOXIDE vs ANTIPSYCHOTICS threatening reaction); 19 cases of acute kidney dioxide is
Risperidone (brand name Risperdal) is an injury; and 15 cases of coma. way out of
atypical antipsychotic drug prescribed to treat These antipsychotic drugs are being
aggressiveness and irritability associated with widely prescribed to autistic children. A study line in the
schizophrenia and mania associated with bipolar published in 2013, involving over thirty-three face of
disorder. In 2006, the drug was approved for thousand children with autism, found that 64 adverse
use to treat similar symptoms associated with percent of them had been prescribed at least
autism. Its manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, one psychotropic medication, with 35 percent reactions
is now facing over thirteen thousand lawsuits taking more than one psych drug concurrently. to drugs
based on severe side effects of Risperdal. Clearly, the hype in the media arguing against commonly
Most striking is its ability to induce the chlorine dioxide is way out of line in the face of
growth of breasts in males (gynecomastia), but these adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs prescribed
it also causes an increased risk to hyperglycemia commonly prescribed for autism. for autism.
(high blood sugar) and diabetes, seizures and
tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable spontaneous SUMMARY
movements), among other unwanted effects. CD is a powerful oxidizing agent. This
Elderly patients are at increased risk to cere- can be beneficial, not only for keeping patho-
brovascular events, stroke and death. A lawsuit gens in check but also for breaking down toxic
in Philadelphia led to a jury decision to award chemicals and for oxidizing sulfur to produce
the plaintiff, Nicholas Murray, eight billion dol- sulfate. Clinicians treating children with autism
lars, including punitive damages. Nicholas has have found that CD has an amazing ability to
autism and was originally prescribed Risperdal reverse autism. I know of no other medicine that
to treat sleep disorder in 2003. can claim such an extraordinary effect. It makes
Risperidone and aripiprazole (Abilify), sense to me that it would be useful for autism,
both atypical antipsychotics, are the only drugs because I have identified sulfate deficiency and
approved for treating the symptoms of autism. glyphosate toxicity, as well as gut dysbiosis
I downloaded data available from the FDA due to an overgrowth of pathogens, as all being
Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) features of autism.
website, just for the year 2017, to compare An important thing to keep in mind is that
side effects for these antipsychotic drugs and it is necessary to administer small doses at fre-
for chlorine dioxide. In 2017 alone, there were quent intervals throughout the day. In this way,
22,759 events where risperidone was listed as the dose is never high enough to cause oxida-
the primary drug responsible for the reactions, tive damage because antioxidant defenses can
and another 10,736 events where Abilify was keep up with production of reactive molecules.
listed as primary. There were only three cases CD’s ability to treat malaria suggests that it
where chlorine dioxide was mentioned at all as might also be of benefit in treating Covid-19. It
one of the drugs being taken, and it was never is intriguing that hydroxychloroquine, another
listed as primary. chlorine-containing molecule that is commonly
I gathered more detailed information for ris- used to treat malaria, has shown promise in
peridone, focusing on the fourth quarter of 2017. treating Covid-19. 16
In just three months, from October through
WINTER 2020 Wise Traditions 29