Page 29 - Winter2020
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Jim Humble, originally trained as an aero-  child. Like many other parents of autistic chil-  Over six
            space engineer, is the person most responsible  dren, she was desperate to find a way to improve   hundred
            for bringing to light the many special benefits of  her child’s autistic symptoms. She spent over a
            CD. While using CD as a water-treatment solu-  million dollars trying to find a treatment that  children
            tion during a gold mining expedition in South  would work to heal her son. She was sufficiently   have had
            America, he made a serendipitous discovery.  impressed with the improvements she witnessed   their autism
            He observed that CD quickly restored health to  following CD treatment that she decided to
            victims of malaria, evidence of CD’s apparent  become actively involved in promoting the idea  completely
            ability to strengthen the immune cell response  that it might be useful for autism.   reversed
            to infection. Intrigued by this success story, he   Kerri has developed a protocol to treat   through
            became completely committed to sharing his  autism that includes various nutritional supple-
            discovery with the world, and to exploring CD’s  ments (such as chondroitin sulfate and vitamin  Kerri's
            benefits in treating other diseases. This became  D) and a modified ketogenic diet that eliminates   protocol; she
            for him a lifetime obsession.             gluten and casein. Although the protocol can   maintains
               On the first page of one of his books on  also include a number of other components—
            CD, Jim Humble “humbly” claims that CD is  anti-parasitic medications, humic and fulvic  that chlorine
            recommended as a treatment for a wide range of  acid, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, binders,   dioxide is
            diseases. These include “cancer, diabetes, hepa-  thyroid supplements, ionic foot baths and hy-  the key to
            titis A, B and C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple  perbaric oxygen—she believes that an essential
            sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS,  aspect is the idea of frequent tiny doses of CD  this success.
            malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis,  throughout the day.
            acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, aches and   Kerri uses a questionnaire called the Autism
            pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, diges-  Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) as a
            tive problems, high blood pressure, obesity,  metric of progress.  A high score means more
            parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus  severe autism, and a score under ten indicates
            problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue  that the child is not autistic. She has helped
            fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems  thousands of children. Over six hundred chil-
            with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction,  dren have had their autism completely reversed
            and many others.”                         through Kerri’s protocol (meaning they achieved
               Many of these diseases have been linked to  a score of under ten); she maintains that chlorine
            glyphosate exposure, either because their rate  dioxide is the key to this success. Kerri refers to
            is rising alarmingly in lockstep with the rise in  CD as an “inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle
            glyphosate usage or because glycine dysfunction  anti-pathogenic.” I am not aware of any other
            in particular proteins could cause the diseases.  practitioners who have been able to achieve
            Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbi-  such dramatic results in treating autism. Some
            cide Roundup, which conventional agriculture  of Kerri’s patients have parents who refuse to
            uses liberally on crops to control weeds and  use chlorine dioxide due to the controversy
            as a desiccant; as a result, it is a widespread  surrounding it; none of those children have had
            contaminant in our food supply. I have written  their autism successfully reversed. Predictably,
            extensively on the idea that glyphosate, acting  the mainstream media have tried hard to dis-
            as a glycine analogue, might be getting inserted  credit her work, and Amazon even removed her
            into proteins during protein synthesis by mis-  book, Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism.
            take in place of the coding amino acid glycine.    My hunch is that CD is a miracle worker in
            If this is true, it would explain the stunning  part due to its ability to break down glyphosate
            correlations that are found between glyphosate  nonenzymatically. If small doses are taken
            usage on core crops and the rise in prevalence  throughout the day, the hope is that natural
            of many of these debilitating diseases.    mechanisms in place to detoxify hypochlorite
                                                      (into which CD breaks down) can keep pace
            CHLORINE DIOXIDE TREATS AUTISM            with exposure levels, such that it never causes
               Kerri Rivera is the mother of an autistic  sufficient harm to lead to permanent damage.

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