Page 30 - Winter2020
P. 30

Both ozone        OZONE AND CHLORINE DIOXIDE:              ing chemical due to its ability to strip metals

           and chlorine       POSSIBLE MECHANISMS                      from pipes. Although this has not been properly
                                 Paracelsus presciently wrote in the 1500s:  researched and therefore remains speculative, I
             dioxide are      “The body possesses the high art of wrecking  believe it is possible that there were high levels
                powerful      but also restoring health. . . . Poison is in ev-  of glyphosate in the water that ran through the
          antimicrobial       erything, and no thing is without poison. The  lead pipes supplying water to Flint, and this
                              dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.”  caused much more of the lead to be stripped off
            agents and,       This is an apt remark regarding chlorine dioxide  of the pipes into the water.
         perhaps more         therapy and also ozone therapy. Alternative   The medical establishment maintains that
           importantly,       medicine specialists find ozone therapy to be  chlorine dioxide—a simple, inexpensive, non-
                              useful in treating infected wounds as well as  patentable molecule—is a dangerous substance
                both are      a number of difficult diseases, such as circula-  that should never be used in medicine. However,

          able to break       tory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular  this is a gross exaggeration. Oxygen is highly
                    down      degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism and  reactive as well, but that does not mean that we
                                                                       advise people not to breathe.
                              arthritis, cancer, severe acute respiratory syn-
             glyphosate       drome (SARS) and AIDS.  Ozone has been used
                     non-     in medicine for at least one hundred fifty years,  CHLORINE vs CHLORINE DIOXIDE
         enzymatically.       but—probably because like chlorine dioxide it   Chlorine is superior to chlorine dioxide
                              is inexpensive and not patentable—the medical  in breaking down glyphosate, but chlorine is
                              establishment likes to play up the risks and play  definitely too toxic to take medicinally. Chlo-
                              down the benefits.                       rine also reacts with organic matter to produce
                                 Both ozone and chlorine dioxide are oxi-  highly toxic chlorinated products, whereas chlo-
                              dizing agents, and, as such can cause oxidative  rine dioxide does not. In fact, chlorine dioxide
                              damage. However, both are also powerful  has very different chemical properties than pure
                              antimicrobial agents and perhaps more impor-  chlorine. CD preferentially oxidizes sulfur in
                              tantly, both are able to break down glyphosate  sulfur-containing molecules.  This could be
                              nonenzymatically.  Both are commonly used  highly beneficial in overcoming deficiencies in
                              in water treatment plants as disinfectants. This is  sulfite oxidase, due either to genetic defects or
                              very fortunate from the standpoint of glyphosate  toxic chemical exposures such as glyphosate.
                              contamination; I suspect that we would have had   Hypochlorite (one of CD’s breakdown prod-
                              a much bigger problem with glyphosate expo-  ucts) reacts with the sulfur-containing amino
                              sure through the water supply if this was not the  acid taurine to produce taurine chloramine.
                              case. Chlorine dioxide can be purchased without  Taurine is generally considered to be inert, but
                              prescription to be used for purifying lake water  taurine chloramine is capable of getting oxi-
                              or river water for safe drinking while camping  dized to sulfate, particularly with the help of gut
                              in the wilderness.                       microbes. Thus, it is possible that CD enhances
                                 Glyphosate was likely an important con-  the bioavailability of sulfate to the body through
                              tributor to the catastrophic failure of the water  this mechanism. I have written several papers
                              supply in Flint, Michigan, where dangerously  arguing that sulfate deficiency is a common
                              high levels of lead were found in the drinking  problem associated with many diseases, most
                              water.  This occurred during a period when the  notably with autism. I have proposed that tau-
                              water supply was temporarily diverted to a river  rine, which is stored in large quantities in the
                              source, and the river ran through agricultural  brain, heart and liver, may be serving as a buffer
                              areas where glyphosate was routinely used on  for supplying sulfate, mediated by hypochlorite,
                              GMO crops. A water treatment plant that had  when sulfate levels drop too low.
                              been in disrepair was hastily brought back into   Both hypochlorite and superoxide (another
                              action before it had been properly refurbished.  CD breakdown product) are common oxidizing
                              I suspect this meant that significant levels of  agents naturally produced by immune cells in
                              glyphosate remained in the water. Notably,  their fight against pathogens. Thus CD enables
                              glyphosate was first patented as a pipe clean-  the immune cells to be more effective in fighting
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