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fire means they caused the fire. Among other  REFERENCES
         roles, bacteria act as scavengers in nature; they   1.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-
                                                      Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use. Division of
         “eat” dead or diseased tissue. Maggots play the   Viral Diseases. Effective: 07/13/2020.
         same role. If you see a dead dog crawling with   2.   Fauxlex. Bombshell: WHO coronavirus PCR test primer sequence is found in all human
                                                      DNA. Piece of Mindful, April 6, 2020.
         maggots, it would be crazy to conclude that the   who-coronavirus-pcr-test-primer-sequence-is-found-in-all-human-dna/.
         maggots killed the dog, so why do scientists   3.   Corman VM, Landt O, Kaiser M et al. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by
                                                      real-time RT-PCR. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(3):2000045.
         assume that the presence of “viruses” in a cell   4.   Fouchier RAM, Kuiken T, Schutten M et al. Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus. Nature.
         means that the cell has been attacked from the   5.   2003;423(6937):240.
                                                      Papadopulos-Eleopulos E, Turner VF, Papadimitriou JM, Causer D. Isolated facts about HIV
         outside and taken over by hostile compounds?  – a reply. n.d.
             If anyone can show us a properly done   6.   Park WB, Kwon N-J, Choi S-J et al. Virus isolation from the first patient with SARS-CoV-2
                                                      in Korea. J Korean Med Sci. 2020;35(7):e84.
         study in which the “coronavirus” from many   7.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preparation of viral transport medium. SOP#:
         sick people was isolated, purified, photographed   DSR-052-05.
         and characterized—according to the consensus   8.   Giannessi F, Aiello A, Franchi F, Percario ZA, Affabris E. The role of extracellular vesicles
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         lines—and then was shown to cause disease in   10.  Chan JFW, Zhang AJ, Yuan S et al. Simulation of the clinical and pathological manifestations
         healthy organisms (animals or humans), we will   of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in golden Syrian hamster model: implications for
                                                      disease pathogenesis and transmissibility. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 26;ciaa325.
         gladly withdraw the book. Meanwhile, we con-  11.   Bao L, Deng W, Huang B et al. The pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 transgenic mice.
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         tend that the idea of a contagious coronavirus   12.  Harcourt J, Tamin A, Lu X et al. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 from patient
         is a fairy tale.                             with coronavirus disease, United States. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(6):1266-1273.
                                                   13.  Dicks MDJ, Spencer AJ, Edwards NJ et al. A novel chimpanzee adenovirus vector with low
                                                      human seroprevalence: improved systems for vector derivation and comparative immunoge-
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         founder and current president of WAPF, editor   16.
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         “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease   19.  Fenner F, Woodroofe GM. The pathogenesis of infectious myxomatosis: the mechanism of
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                                        HAVE WE PROVED THAT 5G CAUSES COVID-19?

              Many have asked us to show causation studies proving that 5G radiation causes Covid-19. Of course, there aren’t
          any. What we can say is the following:

          1.  There is no proof that Covid-19 is caused by a virus.
          2.  We therefore need to use epidemiological observation to generate other hypotheses to test.
          3.  We believe we have presented more than enough epidemiological evidence to test the theory that 5G and possibly
              other frequencies are causing Covid-19.
          4.  Tests dating back to the 1970s are consistent with our hypothesis; EMF millimeter waves create tissue damage,
              hypoxia, metabolic dysfunction and hyperinflammatory responses.
          5.  Therefore, our position is an urgent call for formal testing of the effects of 5G frequencies on human and animal
              health. The budget for the effort to study viral causation is in the many, many billions. We urge that at least one-
              tenth of this budget be shifted into testing EMF effects. These studies should and must be done by truly independent
              scientists with no connection to industry, government or international organizations. The design of these studies must
              be open to public comment and scrutiny. The results of these studies must be open to public inspection; the data
              and design must be matters of full public knowledge.

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