Page 24 - Winter2020
P. 24

In plain     effects are said to occur due to CPEs. Yet, as the  Medicine [sic].” This virus was then “passaged

            English, this     authors plainly state, though each cell line “was  in HEK293A cells (Invitrogen, Cat. R705-07)
                              inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and  and purified by CsCl gradient ultracentrifuga-
            means they        examined 24 h post-infection,” the investigators  tion.” Finally, “Viral DNA was phenol extracted
             proved, on       observed no CPE “in any of the cell lines except  for genomic sequencing and cloning.”
                                                                           In other words, the researchers purchased
            their terms,      in Vero cells.”                          some material (not properly isolated even though
                                 So did this viral material with its “inti-
         that this “new       mately twisted genes” commandeer the cellular  it is called an “isolate”), which they then “pas-
           coronavirus”       biochemistry and throw wrenches into the cel-  saged” through human embryonic kidney cells
                    is not    lular factories, while other viral proteins built  (called HEK293A) and “purified” by CsCl
                              nurseries for making new viruses? Nothing of  gradient. This “purification” method separates
               infectious     the sort! In fact, the shocking thing about these  DNA molecules (not viruses) after mixing them

               to human       findings is that, using their own methods, the vi-  with cesium chloride (a heavy metal salt) and
                  beings.     rologists found that solutions claimed to contain  ethidium bromide (a mutagen that can affect
                              SARS-CoV-2—as well as poisons, even in high  DNA biological processes like DNA replication
                              amounts—were not infective to any of the three  and transcription).  This is the same smoke and
                              human tissue cultures they tested. In plain Eng-  mirrors we have seen before—not true separa-
                              lish, this means they proved, on their terms, that  tion and isolation but “surrogate” techniques
                              this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to hu-  that use various poisons.
                              man beings. It is infective only to Vero monkey   Another study sent to us, a preprint pub-
                              kidney cells, and only when you add two potent  lished on June 23, 2020, is entitled, “SARS-
                              drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin)—drugs  CoV-2 Structure and Replication Characterized
                              known to be toxic to the kidneys—to the mix.  by in situ Cryo-electron Tomography” (cryo-
                                  Interestingly, the authors don’t mention  ET).  The authors begin with the creed of the
                              this important fact in their conclusions. Only  faithful: “β-coronaviruses, including SARS-
                              virologists who read the whole paper will find  CoV-1 and Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus
                              out that if they want to grow the virus, they  (MERS-CoV) are highly contagious pathogens
                              needn’t bother to use human cell lines. As you  that can cause severe lower respiratory infec-
                              can read yourself, in all three human cell lines,  tions. At the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged
                              no CPE (meaning no cell death, no infection)  in the city of Wuhan, China, likely through
                              was observed. Only Vero monkey kidney cells  zoonotic transmission via a bat reservoir and a
                              were adversely affected—and remember, the  still unidentified intermediate host that subse-
                              material injected into the Vero cells contained  quently led to a pandemic, accumulating to date
                              kidney toxins. Basically, the study proved that  to over 8 million cases and close to 500,000
                              the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not infect human  deaths worldwide.”
                              tissue. Meanwhile, we have worldwide lock-   The article provides no references for
                              downs predicated on the idea that something  the statement that the SARS virus is “highly
                              called “coronavirus” is highly infectious and  contagious” but does contain a lot of fuzzy
                              causes disease.                          electron-microscope photographs of tissues
                                                                       and cells whose genetic material the authors
                              SMOKE AND MIRRORS                        determined using PCR tests—the equivalent
                                 Another study sent to us comes with the fan-  of finding moats and turrets in a bunch of Lego
                              cy title, “A Novel Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vec-  pieces. The researchers did not isolate and pu-
                              tor with Low Human Seroprevalence: Improved  rify the virus but instead used “monkey kidney
                              Systems for Vector Derivation and Comparative  derived VeroE6 cells” and “human pulmonary
                              Immunogenicity.”  In the “Viruses and Cells”  cell lines.” In other words, they used cell lines
                              portion of the methods section, the researchers  grown in starved and poisoned cultures.
                              explain that they used “wild type chimpanzee   Later in the paper, the authors state that
                              adenovirus isolate Y25. . . originally obtained  they got different “morphologies” of the virus
                              from William Hillis, John Hopkins University of  depending on which cell line they used. In other
         22                                       Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2020
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