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the Weston a. PriCe                         President’s Message

                    Foundation       ®
                Education  Research  Activism

            BOARD OF DIRECTORS                          The Universe works in strange and wonderful ways. After we
             Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President
             Tom Cowan, MD, Vice President           cancelled our Wise Traditions conference, we suddenly found we
             Carolyn Biggerstaff, Secretary
             Valerie Cury, Treasurer                 were able to have a conference after all! The one-day event at Poly-
             Leslie J. Manookian, MLCHom, Health Freedom Defense Fund  face Farm was a huge success, with three hundred people enjoying
             Pete Kennedy, Esq., A Campaign for Real Milk
                                                     five excellent talks while sitting on hay bales in Joel Salatin’s hoop
             Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS               house (see photos on page 4-5).
             Jerry Brunetti                             At this conference, November 16, 2020, we officially launched
             Fred Kummerow, PhD
             Kim Schuette, CN                        the New Etiquette. We asked everyone present to turn their cell
             Cherie Calvert
                                                     phones to airplane mode. One participant had an EMF meter with
            GENERAL COUNSEL                          her and saw a fairly high level of electromagnetic radiation fall to
             James Turner, Esq.
                                                     almost zero (see her letter on page 7).
            HONORARY BOARD
             Jen Allbritton, BS, CN                     Although the disease called Covid-19 is not contagious, there
             Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH
             Marie A. Bishop, CDC                    is a danger of contracting the illness when you are in a group. In a
             Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)   group, especially a large group, when everyone has a cell phone,
             Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
             Lee Clifford, MS, CCN                   everyone will be subjected to a large amount of pulsed microwave
             Christapher Cogswell, MA
             Monica Corrado                          electrosmog. When not on airplane mode, your cell phones not only
             Janice Curtin                           receive electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), but also emit them. Of
             Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN
             Maureen Diaz                            course, current thinking interprets this situation—several or even
             Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS
             Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD                   many people getting sick from EMFs after spending time in a group
             Ruth Ann Foster, MA
             Donna Gates, BS, Med                    together—as contagion.
             Joann S. Grohman                           Fifty years ago, no one thought twice about lighting a cigarette
             Laura Hayes, BA
             Suzanne Humphries, MD                   in someone else’s house; no one considered it impolite to light up a
             Mark A. Kastel
             Felix Liao, DDS                         cigarette in front of another person. Today we consider such actions
             Karen Lyke, BA, MS, DSc                 the height of rudeness. No one would take such an action unless
             Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon)
             Judith McGeary, Esq.                    invited. People no longer smoke in restaurants, airplanes, stadiums
             Leigh Merinoff
             Carlos Monteiro                         or even bars. This change has come about over several decades.
             Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM
             David Morris, BS, DC                       Let’s hope that the New Etiquette will take over more quickly
             Ronda Nelson, PhD, MH, CNC              than that. Let’s have announcements in theaters and stadiums for
             Hon. Frank Niceley
             Jill Nienhiser, BS, MA                  the audience to go to airplane mode; let’s have student education
             Sandrine Perez
             Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA                 programs about the dangers of over-exposure to cell phone radia-
             Gerald Pollack, PhD                     tion; let’s have cell phone baskets inside the front and back doors of
             Jessica Prentice
             Lawren Pulse, MS                        every house, with special reminders at parties. Let’s make sure that
             Philip Ridley MSc, PGDip.
             Bruce Rind, MD                          choirs practice with their cell phones turned to airplane mode; let’s
             Sir Julian Rose, BT                     make sure that no phones are on when we are around children.Let’s
             Julia Ross, MA
             Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD                  require stores to put cell phone reminders on their front windows.
             Joel Salatin
             Adrienne Samuels, PhD                      Even better, let’s require cell phone manufacturers to make
             Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD
             C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD                  phones that automatically default to airplane mode.
             Ted Spence, DDS, ND                        And as you all join with family and friends for your maskless
             Alana Sugar, CN
             Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS        celebrations of Christmas and the New Year, please ensure that your
             John Umlauf
             Susun S. Weed                           guests stay safe by insisting on airplane mode.
             Bruce West, DC                             Speaking of which, the Weston A. Price Foundation wishes you
             David Wetzel, BS
             Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND          all most blessed holidays, filled with joy, gratitude and good health!
             Lindsea Willon, MS, NTP
             Will Winter, DVM
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