Page 6 - Winter2020
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         graine aura about once a year. I usually  of our people, so they could be emailed  5G equipment could proceed without
         don’t notice them until they’re shiny  about getting tested for Covid. I knew  interference.
         crescent shapes disrupting my field of  there was a possibility that I might get      Another thing about zinc: I have
         vision. I usually have to lie down for  caught in that net, and I really don’t  been reading a book called  Break-
         thirty to forty minutes, until they get  want to be tested because I don’t trust  through! by Jon Queijo. In Chapter
         large enough to get to the outside edge  the tests and don’t want to be a target for  5 (“I’m Looking Through You: The
         of my field of vision so I can see to work  further “treatment” or restriction from  Discovery of X-Rays”), he mentions
         again. Well this time I noticed it at the  working. I started feeling so anxious  that Wilhelm Roentgen suspected that
         beginning, when it was like a tiny Vi-  about that possibility that I couldn’t  frequent exposure to X-rays could be
         enna sausage shape in the middle of my  work. Since Dr. Hamer says the cause  harmful to living tissue, so he did his
         field of vision. I had so much work to  of influenza symptoms is fear, or fright  experiments in a zinc box. Some other
         do that I really didn’t want to lie down  fear, or death fright fear, and I consider  research helpers had to have amputa-
         and wait it out. I have thought that mi-  Covid to be caused primarily by fear,  tions done because of the damage to
         graines have an electrical component,  I figured it might help to take my tonic  their hands and arms.
         and it occurred to me that quinine and  water and oysters. After I ate them, it      Since zinc and copper are supposed
         zinc might help fix the problem. So I  was (again!) only five to ten minutes  to be kept in balance in the body, I have
         drank a can of tonic water and ate a  before the fear was gone and I could  wondered whether it is because copper
         tin of smoked oysters. In about five to  get on with my day.         is such an excellent conductor of elec-
         ten minutes, not only had the migraine      I have been curious lately about  tricity, while zinc may counteract that.
         aura gone away, but my energy level  how our bodies use electricity, and  I will have to keep reading because I
         was nice and high (not depleted as it  about Dr. Kaufman’s and Dr. Cowan’s  don’t know much about it.
         usually is when I’m overworked and  discussion of how 5G (and probably      Of course, there’s also the fact that
         sleep-deprived).                   the enhanced 4G) harm our bodies,  zinc is depleted by stress! When I look
             The third thing I fixed was a feel-  causing physical symptoms. In fact, I  in the eyes of many people, I see much
         ing of anxiety. I had been asked to  have wondered whether the lockdown  fear and anxiety in some. It doesn’t
         come up with a list of emails of some  was not partially so the installation of  surprise me that giving zinc and an

                                    WISE TRADITIONS CONFERENCE AT POLYFACE FARM

                            A maskless crowd of three hundred                      Joel Salatin gives a tour on
                        gather before the hoop-house “auditorium.”                readying the farm for winter.
         4                                        Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2020
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