Page 11 - Winter2020
P. 11

a little liberty to gain a little security  from wind turbines for an average of  demand from an all-electric vehicle
            will deserve neither and lose both.”  6.5 acres for 1 megawatt-hour from  fleet. The state’s own conclusion: “The
                Let’s all be brave! Let’s work hard  solar and wind, or .001 square miles  Manhattan Institute, a policy research
            to preserve our rights to farm, to have  per megawatt-hour.          think tank, took a deep-dive look at
            access to clean healthful food, to make     At 3 megawatt-hours per year, the  the math behind the 100%-renewable-
            decisions about health for our families,  electricity needed for 15,000,000 light  energy concept and found it unrealistic,
            to have access to natural “alternative”  vehicles is 45,000,000 megawatt-hours  particularly when it comes to land use.”
            healthcare, and our right to speak out  per year, thus requiring 45,000 square     On the upside, California wouldn’t
            against what is wrong with the world.  miles. The land area of California is  have to worry about wildfires in this
                                  Erin Matica  163,696 square miles so the conversion  future state as a key ingredient for
                    Worthington, Massachusetts  to all-electric vehicles would require  wildfires, namely vegetation, would be
                                               27.5 percent of California’s total land  totally eradicated to support wind and
            FALLACY AND REALITY                area.                             solar farms.
                California has announced a state-     In addition to the transition to all-       James Kirkpatrick
            wide initiative to phase out or ban the  electric vehicles, California has com-         Chicago, Illinois
            sale of internal combustion engines by  peting initiatives to phase out natural
            2035 and replace them with electric  gas and nuclear power generation.   APPRECIATION
            vehicles powered by solar- and wind-     Currently, California generates     I wanted to drop you a note to say
            generated electricity. In his Executive  102,000,000 megawatt-hours from nat-  a hearty thank you for covering the
            Order N-79-20, California Governor  ural gas and nuclear. All told, California  issue of the horrible, unsafe, unethical
            Newsom is following the global envi-  would need something on the order of  practice of using aborted fetal tissue
            ronmental playbook and throwing in a  150,000,000 megawatt-hours of new  in vaccine development and research
            little coronavirus justification to boot.  solar and wind generation capacity to  (Wise Traditions, Fall 2020). I have
            The third paragraph of the order states,  support these dual initiatives over the  always appreciated the foundation’s
            “Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic  next fifteen or twenty years, requiring  willingness to take a strong stance on
            has disrupted the entire transportation  150,000 square miles of land area or  important health issues, and this is one
            sector, bringing a sharp decline in de-  91.5 percent of California’s total surface  for which so few people understand the
            mand for fuels and adversely impacting  area!                        implications. Kendall Nelson’s article
            public transportation. . .” Aside from     Never mind the fact that Califor-  was very well written and lays out an
            its human health effects and societal  nia’s forty million citizens need some-  excellent case for the health hazards of
            disruption capabilities, the Covid-19  where to live and that large swaths of  this horrific practice, in addition to the
            virus is most cunning. Unbeknownst  the state are either desert or mountains  reasons so many find it morally abhor-
            to us, it also infects machines and as  and impractical for large scale com-  rent.
            such provides political justification for  mercial electric utility generation.             Sara Sharps
            remaking California’s transportation  (Desert is good for solar, but it tends to   Manteno, Illinois
            sector.                            be remote from the grid and lacks trans-
                Here’s the question: can California  mission lines and substations needed to
            support the transition to an all-electric  support large scale commercial electric
            fleet of light duty vehicles (LDVs) using  development.) Maybe the yet unan-
            only solar- and wind-generated electric-  nounced secret plan on the part of Cali-
            ity? Assuming that California would  fornia is to annex Nevada and Alaska to
            need 15,000,000 LDVs, requiring 300  support their all-renewable electricity
            watt-hours per vehicle per mile for an  generation cloud dream.
            average of 10,000 miles per year, each     Actually, California knows that
            vehicle would need 3 megawatt-hours  its grand plans are impractical. If you
            per year.                          visit the website poweringcalifornia.   Gifts and bequests to the
                Using current technologies, you  com, they ask the same question: how   Weston A. Price Foundation
            need 7.5 acres of land to produce 1  much land would it take for California’s   will help ensure
            megawatt-hour from solar and 5 acres  utilities to go all renewable? This is   the gift of good health
            of land to produce 1 megawatt-hour  even before the additional electricity   to future generations.

            WINTER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   9
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