Page 16 - Winter2020
P. 16
The Contagion Fairy Tale
By Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell
ur book, The Contagion Myth, is now available
(banned on Amazon but sold on other outlets) and
Ohas already generated dozens of comments, many
of them challenging our contention that the corona “virus”
does not exist and that the illness attributed to this virus is
not contagious. One comment even referred to our book as
a fairy tale!
Unlike most coronavirus skeptics, we are not arguing that the illness is
just a bad case of the flu, with deaths due solely to pre-existing conditions
or inappropriate hospital care. Rather, we postulate that the illness can be
very serious and that the likely cause is radiation poisoning, probably from
the worldwide deployment of 5G, starting in Wuhan, China, and followed
by major cities throughout the world.
14 Wise Traditions WINTER 2020