Page 14 - Winter2020
P. 14

Caustic Commentary

         other symptoms for at least seven days, and had two negative  Kathryn Dewey, specifically recommends chicken liver. But
         PCR results. . . a suggestion that would result in the mom  the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is not
         quitting breastfeeding altogether. After complaints, Danone  happy. “There isn’t scientific evidence to suggest somehow
         removed the video but the channel still exists. During the  infants would be better off consuming meat, seafood, eggs
         pandemic, many companies have donated milk powder to  and dairy,” says Susan Levin, a registered dietitian and the
         communities in Canada, India, Italy, Pakistan, the Philip-  organization’s director of nutrition education. According
         pines and the UK, violating both national laws and the WHO  to Levin, infants and toddlers can get iron from foods like
         code. And in a recent online survey of over one thousand  fortified cereals, spinach and lentils (Wall Street Journal,
         mothers who had recently breastfed in the UK, 80 percent  October 13, 2020). Iron, zinc and choline aren’t the only
         reported contact from formula companies, typically on social  nutrients that toddlers get from animal foods —there’s also
         media, even though this violates the WHO code (Lancet  vitamins A, D, K , B  and B , and minerals like calcium,
         October 8, 2020).                                   magnesium and iodine. A diet without animal foods is a fast
                                                             track to cognitive impairment throughout life.
         In a systematic review, researchers from the University of  MYCOTOXINS
         Melbourne examined the associations between low vitamin  A survey of four hundred corn samples from five continents
         B  levels, neurodegenerative disease and cognitive impair-  harvested in 2018-2019 discovered that 95 percent were
         ment (International Psychogeriatrics 2010;24(4):541-556).  contaminated with mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungus)
         They found that vitamin B  levels in the subclinical low-  ( Mycotoxins cause allergic reactions
         normal range (less than 250 ρmol/L) are associated with   and can adversely affect the major organs, gut health, the
         Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and Parkinson’s   brain and the respiratory system. The primary toxin infecting
         disease. They found that outright vitamin B  deficiency (less   the corn was fumonisin, which can have carcinogenic and
         than 150 ρmol/L) is associated with cognitive impairment.   estrogenic effects. In addition to corn, rye, wheat, barley,
         Vegetarianism and use of metformin (a widely used drug   coffee and chocolate are major sources of mycotoxins in ani-
         to control symptoms of diabetes) contribute to depressed   mal and human diets. Scientists attribute blame to unusually
         vitamin B  levels and may independently increase the risk   wet weather or poor drying and storage procedures, but we
         for cognitive impairment. They found that a small subset of   wonder whether poisons sprayed on crops and accumulating
         dementias are reversible with vitamin B  therapy and noted   in the soil make our grains more prone to fungal infection.
         that this treatment is inexpensive and safe. Unfortunately,
         few patients incarcerated in our nursing homes are offered   HAVANA SYNDROME
         such beneficial treatment.                              First reported by U.S. embassy workers in Havana
                                                             in 2016, people suffering from “Havana syndrome” com-
         STARVATION DIET FOR CHILDREN                        plained of dizziness, fatigue, headaches and loss of hearing,
         In light of what we know about vitamin B , the fact that   memory and balance. U.S. diplomats in China and Russia
         some groups are objecting to the new dietary guidelines for
         infants borders on the incredible. For the first time, the U.S.   FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
         Dietary Guidelines for Americans include guidelines for      Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
         children younger than two. While there is plenty to criticize   Foundation is to provide important information about diet
         in these guidelines —which recommend lots of whole grains   and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this
         without any caution on how they should be prepared, and   reason, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily
         which include lowfat dairy foods and no encouragement to   technical. It is very important for us to describe the science
                                                              that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In
         provide youngsters with butter —at least they include red   articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a
         meat, poultry, seafood and eggs “to meet the needs for criti-  summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
         cal nutrients for growth and development, particularly iron,   cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by
         zinc and choline.” In fact, one member of the Committee, Dr.   others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.
         12                                       Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2020
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