Page 13 - Winter2020
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

            have consistently warned the public to avoid taking toxic   was highly associated with severity of symptoms, and could
            statin drugs. Turns out that this is especially good advice in  even be a factor in determining who contracts Covid in the
            the coronavirus era. Preliminary data from Norway suggest   first place (
            that cod liver oil users may have a reduced risk of contracting   The best sources of K  are poultry liver and fat, aged cheese,
            Covid-19 and less severe disease outcomes if they are infect-  egg yolks and butter, all preferably from grass-fed animals.
            ed (, November 10, 2020). The researchers  Just another reason to enjoy a Wise Traditions diet during
            credit vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil,   these difficult times.
            but cod liver oil is also an excellent source of vitamin A.
            The participants in the study group will receive the Moller’s  FINALLY!
            brand of cod liver oil, a brand that is fairly high in vitamin A.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has spent
            A European study suggests that                                             the last twenty years holding
            coronavirus mortality rates are                                            public discussions on the safety
            lower in countries where diets                                             of dental amalgam (mercury-
            are rich in fermented vegetables.                                          containing) fillings. At long last,
            In Europe the death rate in Italy,                                         the agency has come up with
            France and the UK has been very                                            guidelines that recognize the
            high compared with the Balkans                                             potential adverse health effects
            and Nordic countries. Although                                             of mercury exposure, identify-
            many factors can explain the                                               ing seven groups that should
            discrepancy, researchers found                                             not receive mercury fillings:
            that only fermented vegetables                                             pregnant women; women plan-
            consumption had a significant                                              ning to become pregnant; nurs-
            impact on mortality rate by                     Elastin                    ing women and their newborns
            country. For each gram per day                                             and infants; children, especially
            increase in the average national consumption of fermented   those younger than six years of age; people with pre-existing
            vegetables, the risk for Covid-19 mortality fell by 35 percent   neurological disease; people with impaired kidney function;
            (, July 8, 2020). Finally, in a study published   and those with known heightened sensitivity to mercury.
            in October, 2020, researchers found that routine statin treat-  The guidelines did not go as far as activists had hoped; they
            ment is significantly associated with increased mortality in  did not result in an outright ban on amalgam fillings. But
            diabetic patients hospitalized for Covid-19 (pubmed.ncbi.  these guidelines are a step in the right direction. The FDA
   Higher coronavirus mortality is  did not recommend anyone removing or replacing existing
            another condition that should be added to the warning list   amalgams unless it is considered “medically necessary” and
            for statins like Zocor—which is already nineteen pages long   warned that removal of intact amalgam fillings “may result in
            and all in fine print!                              a temporary increase in exposure of mercury vapor released
                                                                during the removal process” (
            VITAMIN K  AND LUNG FUNCTION                        dental-devices/dental-amalgam-fillings).
            Vitamin K  plays an important role in lung function because
            it helps activate elastin, the protein responsible for lung tissue   SHAMELESS
            flexibility. Constantly expanding and contracting, the lungs   Formula companies are shameless in the ways they exploit
            must be very flexible to do their job. When vitamin K  is   medical situations to their advantage, and the coronavirus
            lacking, elastin becomes stiff and fibrous, making breath-  situation is no exception. For example, in April, Danone of
            ing and oxygen exchange more difficult. In a recent study,  India facilitated a YouTube channel called VoiceofExperts
            researchers determined vitamin K status in one hundred  that advised women with Covid-19 to maintain a distance of
            twenty-three people hospitalized with Covid-19 and those in   at least six feet from their infants and to stop breastfeeding
            a healthy control group; they found that low vitamin K status  until free of fever for more than seventy-two hours, free of

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