Page 8 - Winter2020
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excited about. But the researchers PROTESTS IN GERMANY for fear of infecting the children, but
used the magic of “risk reduction,” There is a huge movement against that restriction was finally lifted. Many
which ignores the sample size in order the unspeakable and unseen crimes changed their names out of shame and
to exaggerate the benefits. Thus 90 + happening all over the world. People are fear for their family’s reputation.
5 = 95 and 90 is 94.5 percent of 95. demonstrating throughout Germany ev- The hospital was run by Catholic
This is called the “efficacy.” But it is a ery day by the thousands, with numbers sisters for a long time, and I learned that
biologically meaningless number for if gaining daily. Information about the not one of them was ever “infected.” At
the same number of people got Covid truth is now spreading like a wild fire the time, this seemed like a miracle.
out of one hundred million, you get the and even the media are starting to show They also said that researchers could
same result—this is the magic of “risk the truth here and there. Censorship in not infect normal lab animals but they
reduction”! Germany is the worst in the world, even finally could infect the armadillo—
Then to complete the fraud they topping China; for example, one hun- plentiful in Louisiana. All of it seemed
report side effects in the vaccine arm dred fifty thousand German YouTube sad and puzzling.
as around 3 percent—which by the way videos being deleted every day! A friend organized a boat trip up
are the same symptoms as reported for Ulrike the Mississippi River for some patients
“Covid.” This means about 420 out of Germany and others. Those with leprosy begged
14,000 people in the vaccine arm got us not to tell anyone where they were
side effects—that is “Covid”—versus THE LEPROSY CONTAGION MYTH from. They were thrilled to be out in
none in the placebo. They magically In light of the question about normal life and accepted.
report this not as a 400 percent increase illnesses being contagious, I was re- I met a woman patient from South
in side effects but as an insignificant 2.6 flecting on an experience I had in the America who had been sent there. She
percent increase. late 1980s. I lived in Louisiana and said that it took a long time but she was
The reality is all you can say from volunteered at a hospital in Carville, finally able to marry another patient.
this trial is that if you take the vaccine which was started in 1894 as the first Her husband wrote a heartbreaking
you have a 3 percent chance (420 side U.S. inpatient hospital for those with biography in which he explained that
effects plus five cases out of 14,000) of leprosy. It closed in 1999. he grew up in a small mountain com-
illness in the two-week period versus a Often people were brought there munity. As a boy he started getting odd
0.6 percent chance (90 cases plus 0 side and left by their families for lifetime nerve twitches where he would swat at a
effects out of 14,000) of illness in the quarantine. The site had many build- bug on his leg only to realize there was
placebo group. ings and there were enclosed walkways no bug. He had other symptoms that
My guess is that arithmetic deficit to get from one building to the other. I puzzled the local doctors who eventu-
is an incurable side effect of Covid hys- was told patients had to walk in those ally feared it was leprosy. The family,
teria, particularly if you are a member walkways, not outside, so they would community and doctors were shocked
of the medical profession. not risk infecting others. By the time I because they knew the boy had never
Actually the trials on the vaccines was there, they said we could interact been exposed to leprosy. Unfortunately,
have nothing to do with a virus, im- without fear of contagion because they the boy was sent to Carville where he
munity or transmission of a disease; now had a medication for the disease lived his life, abandoned by his family.
they were only studying the numbers of (not a vaccine). But in the past, these For centuries leprosy has provoked
people who get “Covid, “ that is, show people were feared as ‘biohazards’ and fear as a terrible, contagious disease.
“symptoms,” so these were drug trials, were not allowed to leave except for But in light of the new ideas about what
not vaccine trials. short periods; many tried to escape but causes disease, I am seeing leprosy in
Tom Cowan, MD were captured and returned. For a long a new light. For countless people suf-
time, they were not allowed to marry fering with leprosy over time, maybe
6 Wise Traditions WINTER 2020