Page 5 - Winter2020
P. 5
A SENSE OF COMMUNITY ing them in for regular checkups. He to a doctor to get some of the disputed
I am writing to extend my love and checked their genitals-ugh! He pushed HCQ, but I figured if I could get some
appreciation for Hilda Gore and the and pushed for the vaccines. Needless foods with quinine and zinc, I might be
WAPF family. Listening to the Wise to say, our daughter is very upset. able to use those instead.
Traditions podcast has been a beacon She looked at the vaccine schedule. The first thing I fixed was a weird
of light for me, specifically during Co- It includes vaccines for HPV and of feeling I had after walking through my
vid-19. course HepB, which are sexually trans- office suite while everyone else was
In the face of misinformation and mittable diseases (as well as for IV drug working from home. No one was at my
fearmongering, the podcast has stood use). They’re supposed to have these office and there were some disinfectant
its ground and held firm in its mission at two years old. This is total insanity. boxes running. (Later on, I heard they
to spread faith, love, inspiration and What are they trying to do to our kids? were Senexis boxes that put out UV
real education about the full potential Oh, and the icing on the cake? The light and “dry hydrogen peroxide” into
of our bodies when properly cared for. youngest is due for an autism exam in the air.) There were four boxes. During
The Wise Traditions family provides its six months. Sheesh, it’s almost as if they the lockdown, I had to return to my
listeners with real scientific information “know” this crazy vaccine schedule is office to perform a task that took only
(not paid science!), hope for a brighter going to increase autism rates. about ten to fifteen minutes. I closed
tomorrow, love and, most importantly, Besides all of the above, the myself in my office away from the dis-
a sense of community. children are in the lower percentile in infectant boxes to do the task.
Thank you for spreading your light weight, so considered underweight. After I had returned home and was
and sharing such important information This is of course because they are not working on my computer, I started feel-
with the world! Thank you for provid- fat, like so many kids today are. They ing disconnected and lethargic. It was
ing the tools I need to become the best eat real food and are super-active, but weird and unlike anything I had ever
version of myself. Thank you for help- not skinny by any means! experienced. I wondered whether the
ing restore my faith in humanity and From now on the kids only go to feeling was anything like people feel
science. Most importantly, thank you the country doctor who understands when they get diagnosed with Covid.
for reminding me that I am not alone that children and parents don’t need I had stockpiled some little cans of
and that together, we can do anything. this garbage. But my big concern is that tonic water and tins of smoked oysters
Marguerite Cogliano they will be turned in for child neglect. in case I thought I might need some-
Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts This happened years ago when our own thing like HCQ and zinc. I also had a
kids were much younger and to another bottle of a zinc and copper supplement
PUSHING FOR VACCINES family from our local chapter. Scary! in capsules. On the chance that I had
I’ve just gotten off the phone with Maureen Diaz breathed in some of the disinfectant and
my daughter. Her husband took their WAPF Outreach Coordinator had damaged my lungs, I drank a can of
two kids to a pediatrician because our Front Royal, Virginia tonic water and took a little supplement
granddaughter needed an exam for a that had zinc and copper in it. (All my
dental procedure. She knows not to QUININE AND ZINC oysters were at my office, not at home.)
take them to a regular doc instead of I’ve been using tonic water—a In about ten minutes I felt fine again.
the good, non-pushy doctor we’ve used source of quinine, the granddaddy Another thing I fixed was a mi-
in the past, but because their insurance of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)—and graine aura. I never have migraine
covers it, they went the “normal” route. smoked oysters (source of zinc) this headaches, but if I’m burning the candle
The doctor gave them a super hard summer to fix some health problems. at both ends, working too much and
time for not vaccinating and not bring- I’m not particularly interested in going sleeping too little, I might have a mi-
WINTER 2020 Wise Traditions 3